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Is there a plugin or a workaround to make Group act like a Member?

  • n0ise


    Hello, as the subject says, i wonder if is there something to make Groups like the Pages in Facebook. So groups admins can post on wall/wire/comment/updates, create posts, etc etc

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  • n0ise


    bump, no one can five me a hint? :(



    It already does “act” like a member profile in the ways you mention…lots of folks use Groups as you say like “the pages in Facebook.” There are plugins that can extend the groups functionality more. but all in all…i think if you just change the language of the group component you can have something very much like that of FB.

    “post on wall/wire/comment/updates” – the activity stream on the group is the wall.

    “create posts” – I don’t know exactly what that means…but there is a plugin I’ve seen that allows groups to manage it’s own blog where group members can make posts. thats in the plugins under the Extend tab.

    What specifically are you trying to do?



    @nahummadrid: first of all, thanks for your reply and sorry if i didnt explained well or with the right words.

    What I’m trying to do, is that i would love that groups could be like members, u see in facebook there is the option “Switch as $FacebookPage” and then if u go to the home u will see the home of the group, if you are going to write to someone else’s wall you will post as page and not as “you”. In buddypress, for example, if the gorup admin will post on his group, will be “admin posted an update in the group TEST:” and not “TEST posted an update”.

    Is there a way to make this happen?



    I see. that’s interesting idea. I haven’t seen anything like that as far as plugins go.

    @n0ise This could be perfect for a site I’m working on, have you made any progress with it?



    Bump, any update after (almost) a year? :)


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