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Issues with last BuddyPress update 2020

  • @easytomake


    The last update March / April 2020, has caused an uncomfortable and inconvenient situation:

    We have been using the LEARNDASH, Bbpress and BudyPress Add-On for months. Excellent until this month ….

    1. A second registration form appears (owned by Buddypress), after having used the original LEARNDASH (LMS)
    2. And in addition, a blue button began to appear above the section “Course content) that does not serve or does not fulfill its functionality.

    This affects the functionality of the LMS and service to those who wish to register. And LearnDash offers both Add-ons, Bbpress, Buddypress

    You should consider this with LearnDash and repair this so that we have the option to skip a second registration form, the one that belongs to Buddypress.

    Easy To Make has also written to LEARNDASH, but they say this is from Buddypress.

    Unfortunately we have decided for the moment to disable Bbpress and Budypress, until this is fixed.

    Thank you! CEASE

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