[Resolved] language problem in widget edit
My login widget displays the word Register in English.
When attempting to edit and upload the bp-core-widget.php file to show the word Register in Hebrew, I am prompted to save the file as UTF-8 instead of ANSI which breaks the site, or if I try editing from the online File Manager the Hebrew word shows up in gibberish.
How do I edit it so it shows properly in Hebrew?
the widget remain in english because the translation is missing.
The hebrew version on GlotPress, where BP picks the automatic translation in your language is not completly translated (64%).
Download it and finish the translation on your computer. BP comes with a buddypress.pot file which you must use to do this. And use poEdit or a similar software.
Concerning the widget, you have to translate this string in the po file:
<a href=\"%s\" title=\"Register for a new account\">Register</a>
Aside, bp and po files are always in UTF8.
If you save a po file in ANSI, you have to use exclusively ANSI without BOM (.txt format and evtl. change the file extension to your need)To generate the mo file, you must use a compiler like poEdit.
Also avoid to hack core files and don’t make a translation on the admin side.
I’ll find more details around how to translate in some previous topics, since 2.1 is out.
thanx that worked 🙂
but if i shouldn’t hack core files, where do i correct the width of the login input fields which are too long for my sidebar?
This is a cosmetic question which can be solved by CSS from within your child-theme.
i tried adding the following code to my active theme’s style.css file but it didn’t work. should i be adding it to a specific buddypress file?
.mytextbox { width: 100%; }
try this: (! mytextbox is an example name, not the the one used by your site probably)
.mytextbox { width: 100%!important; }
Read attentively the topic i mentionned you. 😉
d-uh 🙂
any chance you can tell me from my code below which is the right name to substitute instead of .mytextbox ?
would it be bp-login-widget-user-login and bp-login-widget-user-pass ?
(relatively new to css, sorry)<div class="block"> <div class="block-border"> <div class="block-content"> <div id="bp_core_login_widget-3" class="widget widget_bp_core_login_widget buddypress widget"> <h4 class="widgettitle"></h4> <div class="widgetcontent"> <form name="bp-login-form" id="bp-login-widget-form" class="standard-form" action="/wp-login.php" method="post"> <label for="bp-login-widget-user-login">שם משתמש</label> <input type="text" name="log" id="bp-login-widget-user-login" value="" width="10" />
Don’t know your code !
The BuddyPress login widget code looks like this: (source:/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-widgets.php)<form name="bp-login-form" id="bp-login-widget-form" class="standard-form" action="<?php echo esc_url( site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login_post' ) ); ?>" method="post"> <label for="bp-login-widget-user-login"><?php _e( 'Username', 'buddypress' ); ?></label> <input type="text" name="log" id="bp-login-widget-user-login" class="input" value="" /> <label for="bp-login-widget-user-pass"><?php _e( 'Password', 'buddypress' ); ?></label> <input type="password" name="pwd" id="bp-login-widget-user-pass" class="input" value="" /> <div class="forgetmenot"><label><input name="rememberme" type="checkbox" id="bp-login-widget-rememberme" value="forever" /> <?php _e( 'Remember Me', 'buddypress' ); ?></label></div> <input type="submit" name="wp-submit" id="bp-login-widget-submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Log In', 'buddypress' ); ?>" /> <?php if ( bp_get_signup_allowed() ) : ?> <span class="bp-login-widget-register-link"><?php printf( __( '<a href="%s" title="Register for a new account">Register</a>', 'buddypress' ), bp_get_signup_page() ); ?></span> <?php endif; ?> </form>
You hardcoded several things.
<label for="bp-login-widget-user-login">שם משתמש</label>
<input type="text" name="log" id="bp-login-widget-user-login" value="" width="10" />
Be warned that such hacks will be overwriten at next BuddyPress or theme update.
Modifications should only be done in a child theme.Begin to remove width=”10″ to fit to the original code. And see if this change something. If not, try
input#bp-login-widget-user-login { width: 100%!important; }
that worked!
thanx for the great support! very appreciated 🙂
You’re welcome. Glad you got it to work ! 😉
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