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Latest Activities widget never shows anything.

  • @steel-rat


    Using WP 6.2.2, bbPress 2.6.9, and BuddyPress 11.2.0

    I’ve had the Latest Activities widget added to the right sidebar for some time, but it never shows anything. This is a site still in progress, but I had a friend login and post some forum topics, such, but still nothing ever shows.

    What should I see there?

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  • @steel-rat





    Agree, I was just looking to see if anyone was going to reply. Having the same issue that with the Latest Activities widget, nothing shows up although the site has activity. Everything is updated.

    On another note, on the activity page, it was showing some HTML in the feed… but wasn’t in the actual bbpress forum post.



    Hi @steel-rat,

    Hope so you’re doing well, if the widget is not displaying any content, there are a few factors to consider. First, make sure the widget is properly configured. Check the settings to ensure it is set to display the latest activities from the correct sources, such as forum topics and BuddyPress activities. Verify that you have selected the appropriate options and saved the changes.

    It’s also important to review the user permissions associated with the activities. Ensure that the user who posted the forum topics has the necessary permissions to be included in the Latest Activities widget. Check the user roles and permissions settings to make sure they are allowed to contribute to the activities that should be displayed.

    Hope so this will help you!

    Bryce June



    It doesn’t give you any other options other than what seems to be the user’s latest activity. So it’s not the general site’s latest activity, which would be nice, but it’s only if the user has posted something. I’m not sure what @brycejune is referring to where you can select the proper sources… I don’t see that as an option under widgets.



    I also see no settings even remotely close to what you’re saying, @brycejune.

    The widget has no role settings, and the Buddypress settings page has two options for Activity:

    Post Comments: Allow activity stream commenting on posts and comments
    Activity Auto-Refresh: Automatically check for new items while viewing the activity stream

    There are no role-related settings for BP that I can see anywhere. Please elaborate and provide specifics/screenshots if possible.

    Now, I assume the Latest Activity widget is supposed to show the same info as, which does show all the latest activity. Is this not correct?




    I don’t think so , it says latest activity (but it seems for just that user), not full site activity for all users, so they need a widget that basically shows the latest site activity, but doesn’t seem like there is one.



    I assumed it was for group activity. But with nothing displaying, it’s impossible to say.

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