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Let users decide who can see their activity stream

  • Is there any way to let users decide who can see the activity streams on their profile?

    My Activity and maybe especially “My friends”

    I would think it is a safe assumption that not all users would want those visibe to any user on the site, and I was hoping users (or by standard) those could be limited to “Friends only”

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  • r-a-y


    Not yet.

    Wait for Jeff Sayre’s privacy component to be complete.

    Check out Jeff’s Twitter account for updates:



    IMHO, activity streams should be FB-like by default (core), friends only should see your stream. Site-wide activity is a so-so idea and should be optional, if you have a lot of users, the activity page is way too noisy for people to keep up with the posts and replies.



    I’ve got a site for professionals and they don’t need to have a friending-feature. They’d go to Facebook if they wanted that.

    But I agree that the stream can be a bit crowded. We’re keeping members number low at the moment to handle that.

    My problem is the opposite – I have “hidden” the activity streams because most of our users are silent viewers just lurking around… it looks like nothing is happening although there are users logged in. I have hidden it – by that I mean removed the links to the pages in my theme – because disabling the acitivity stream causes to many problems.

    If disabling the Activity Streams component causes problems with any aspect of BuddyPress on an “out of the box” install (using the default BuddyPress theme), please report as a bug on using your username and password from this site. Thanks

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