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Limit posting in buddypress groups to the group’s admins only

  • @moefahmy


    i need help to achieve the following :
    – limit posting in buddypress groups to the groups admins only
    – limit buddypress groups creation to the website administrators only
    – set the number of the groups user can be admin in to only 1 group

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  • @makzinations


    Hi moefahmy,

    Just registered my first account since over hundreds of sites I’ve built in the past, hehe. I’m facing exact the same issue as you have. I seriously thought that BuddyPress would support features like this. In the wp-admin > Groups > Single Group, there’s even an option that says: ‘Who can invite others to this group?’, WHY is this option available but not ‘Which usertype can post to this group? e.g. Administrators, Moderators, Subscribers etc.’.

    Is there a plugin that anyone in this community is aware of which handles above feature? I really need a feature to assign posting permissions to users or userlevels…



    Hi max , the only solution i reached is controlling who can see the activities post form , showing and hiding it based on the current user role



    Hi moefahmy,

    That’s actually a clever solution to address this issue. The difference with me is that my customer needs a few specific groups to be restricted to only let himself post in it. But since only administrators like my customer needs to post I can target only the administrator role to view the post-an-update form, and hide them for every other user role. I can code something to make this only happen on the groups I want it to.

    Thanks for activating the bulb inside my brain haha, I really appreciate this solution. Well done!!



    I have similar need. I have one group that only the admins should be able to post activity. However, any member can like and comment on that activity.

    Is there a plugin now or tweak someone can share to achieve this? Hiding the post textbox if not an admin sounds great but not savvy enough to make change w/o some direction where to do it and some pseudocode.

    Thanks in advance for any help.



    Just a follow up. I got the method from this link to work and it hides the “whats new” form from non-admins on the group page.

    However, now I notice that users still get the group in their “Post in:” list on their personal activity page and can circumvent. So, trying to figure this part out next.

    Anyone know how to restrict that dropdown?



    Hi moefahmy
    Can you please provide me the way to hide what’s new textbox if not an admin.
    I need to restrict users other than admin to post update.





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