I am still having trouble finding a solution for this. I have a check-box in the users ‘update profile’ page. The check-box needs 3 separate paragraphs to describe it. But if I type these 3 paragraphs into the ‘Field Description’, It comes out as one big paragraph on the site.
I would really appreciate it if somebody could point me in the right direction because right now I am not really sure where to start.
I am new to bp so maybe I am a bit clueless here but this seems like something that should be able to be done.
Anybody know how to stop this from stripping the html in my my profile field description?
This is the last time I will try asking. I don’t want to be to annoying. I just thought somebody would be able to point me in the right direction.
Same problem. Just can’t get over it with CSS. Yet.
Still, any kind of help would be appreciated.
Hey clinthorner! It’s all about CSS!
I am using the Citizen Kane theme.
So, for me, a few lines in the file: bp-default/members/single/profile/edit.php and inside Citizen Kanes custom.css did all the magic.
Also, if you don’t do, use a browser with a built-in ‘inspector’ like Operas Dragonfly, or similar. It boosts up the solving of problems like this.
I hope it helps!