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Logged in but can’t modify profile

  • @moviedebuts


    I’m logged in but I get can error when trying to update my profile. Obviously I can post messages but I can’t change my profile settings. It says something like “Sorry, you can’t access that page”.


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  • @moviedebuts


    Update: I think I might have two profiles but I’m not sure how that happened. I can’t edit my Bryan Eggers profile but not my MovieDebuts profile. I get switched back and forth.



    I see something like this also. If I click on “Howdy, Mike Witt” or my name in the drop down, it tries to take me to wp-admin/profile.php. But if I go further down in the drop down to the “left opening” menus, those work.

    I took a quick look in track, but anything I can think of to search on gets too many hits to wade through. I wonder if anyone who knows more could comment on whether this is a known bug in the BP forum or if it means there’s something odd about my account.

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