This is what I see when I am logged out of trac, which is what I suspect you’re seeing.

What do you see after clicking the “Login” link in the upper right corner? You should get an alert that pops up and prompts you to login. If so, use your username and password. You should be good to go from there.
In Chrome, nothing happens when I click the link.
In IE, if it’s my first try since I started my browsing session I will get a login prompt (browser pop-up). When I enter my buddypress/wordpress info (actually the same in my case), I am taken back to the same page and it still shows me as not logged in. If I try and login again from the same browser window, nothing happens. If I close and re-open the browser window, I get the prompt, but again doesn’t appear to log me in.
Thanks for your help on this.
Interestingly, I tried entering some bogus login info and it continued to prompt me, so it does seem to be accepting my correct login info – maybe I just don’t have permissions to create tickets?
The screen I get is identical to your image – even after it takes my credentials successfully.
Do you have strict cookie settings on your browser? Make sure you’re set up to accept cookies from (or try on a browser with default cookies). You may also try clearing your cache.
managed to authenticate from the office (same machine and browser) … not sure what the block was at home but if I find any clues will let you know