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Login button sends to standard WP login page

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  • @hutchison


    Sorry … I guess I should have mentioned that I’m using WordPress v.4.1.1 and BuddyPress v.2.2.1
    The site URL is: and that I have tested with several different themes.

    So asking again … I’ve found that, if a site member clicks the ‘Log In’ button without first entering their username and password, the page redirects to the default WordPress login page (/wp-login.php)

    How (and where) might I modify the code so that, instead, it simply fails or, better, displays a an error message to remind the user to fill in their login credentials?




    The only thing that comes top off my head is having another wp-login.php
    Rename the original wp-login.php as wp-login-backup.php using ftp or cpanel.
    Upload in its place another wp-login.php with just the following in it
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=">

    Please note this is not the recommended way, and I am no coder and have no time and energy and sufficient money to mend wp+bp’s many strange things which do not suit us, just some quick fixes which I personally need also, as I have to build and look after a site, its contents and *users* and thus cannot wait for eternity 🙂

    Use this at your own risk, if it works at all for you. Thanks for pointing this. Please click my profile and have a look at the unanswered questions, if you have some time please answer. If no time and no answer, no problem at all 🙂



    Thanks very much for the suggestion! that looks like that ought to work, even if not the most elegant solution which, I suspect, is something like a final ‘else’ statement like this:

    $return[‘result’] = false;
    $return[‘error’] = __(‘Oops! you forgot your username and password.’, ‘bp-login-widget’);
    $return[‘action’] = ‘login’;

    which I tried but, I guess, is not quite right.



    That statement can be put in the new wp-login.php

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; URL=">
    <pre> <!---as much space you want--> Oops! you forgot your username and password. Please login again </pre>

    Although this is not elegant or a proper way of doing things.



    Thanks for that, @rosyteddy — that seems a very viable solution.



    @hutchison Sorry, that will not work !

    Instead, find the following in wp-login.php (approx line 219)
    <p id="backtoblog">
    Replace it with
    <p id="backtoblog"><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=">




    Thanks, @rosyteddy, I’ll try that. But at the same time I’m also looking at alternative sidebar login plugins. I’ll let you know if I find a good alternative (viz. link to full registration form + doesn’t display WP admin bar)



    @rosyteddy, I found that the quickest, easiest, and most efficient solution was to substitute a different login widget. This one I found really works perfectly for me:

    Many thanks, nonetheless, for your ongoing support and advice.

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