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Lost admin access after 2.o update

  • @texrat


    I just upgraded to BP 2.0 and immediately lost ALL admin rights to my entire site after the upgrade completed. ???


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  • @texrat


    Forgot to include site (and for some reason cannot edit the original post):



    What does “lost admin rights” mean? Your user has been downgraded to something less than administrator? Are you being redirected from wp-admin pages? Or are you getting some sort of error message in wp-admin? Or a white screen? Any additional information you can provide would be helpful.



    Sorry, I mean I now have zero admin rights for the site. For some bizarre reason, upgrading to BP 2.0 *appears* to have knocked me back to regular user. I’m not saying that’s what actually happened, because of course at the moment I have no way of accessing the site to see the actual problem!

    When I try to login at, I now get “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”. I can still see a Dashboard link at, but clicking it produces the same error. This was not happening just prior to running the update.

    Later today I can see what I can do via bluehost cpanel and/or filezilla, but right now I’m at work (ran update at lunch) and totally stuck. Anyway, mystifies me why the update would do this.




    I have a similar issue, however not buddypress upgrade related. I can get to the backend only by using a direct page e.g. /wp-admin/themes.php . Maybe that works for you too? Unfortunately I have still not figured out what the problem is, but like this it works for me.



    Thanks, hcroeze, unfortunately that didn’t work for me. 🙁



    Really peculiar. Anything can happen, of course, but I’d be very surprised if upgrading BP demoted your account somehow.

    This is kind of a long shot, but have you tried clearing your cookies and trying again? I wonder if there is some sort of mismatch with your auth cookies (especially if SSL/HTTPS is involved).

    Is your site a multisite network? If so, are you attempting to log in with a super admin account, or just a regular site administrator?



    Peculiar is the word for it. And it *has* to be the BP 2.0 update: again, everything worked fine right up until I ran it (I had to be admin to do so) and loss of admin access was immediate after update concluded.

    I just cleared cookies– no help. This is single site, regular admin.



    Very weird. More questions, off the top of my head:

    – Logins are generally working correctly, right? Like, the toolbar shows you as logged in?
    – Assuming yes, are you seeing the proper admin-related items in the toolbar when logged in? Eg, are you seeing the “+” dropdown for adding new posts, and the Edit Post button when looking at a post? If so, then WP is definitely recognizing you as an Administrator
    – Are you running any other plugins that do anything related to the current issue? Such as: a plugin that keeps certain users from accessing the dashboard? Or a plugin that lets you modify roles to have custom capabilities?

    Once you get file-level access, it’ll be helpful if you can do a stack trace to get a clearer sense of what’s happening. Let me know if you need help doing that.



    – tool bar shows me as logged in
    – I have lost all other functions. I cannot add new items, edit posts, check Jetpack stats, etc. Dashboard link is there but generates error when clicked.
    – no plugins of the sort you mention. I *am* running Stop Spammers, Akismet and a plugin for confirming new users (those that get past the first two)



    > I have lost all other functions. I cannot add new items, edit posts, check Jetpack stats, etc. Dashboard link is there but generates error when clicked.

    When you say that you cannot do these things, do you mean that (a) you don’t see the links in the toolbar, or (b) you can’t access the pages that they link to?



    Sorry, I thought I was clearer than I was: the functions are not even visible, other than the now-useless Dashboard link.



    OK, thanks, that’s helpful. It does sound sorta like you’ve been demoted from WP’s point of view. When you get a chance to access your database or filesystem, please look at wp_usermeta for the ‘wp_capabilities’ key corresponding to your user ID. It should have the word ‘administrator’ in it – but it sounds like it may not.



    same here.
    The biggest problem is that the usermeta looks great in the DB and if I log in with a subscriber ranked account and the same thing happens.
    By the way I have given the edit posts capability to every single subscribers automatically viewing any of the pages and it is also lost when I am using the 2.0 version. Before this I was using BP 1.7 What could be the problem?

    BTW 2.0 is AWESOME! 😀



    @lchief – Thanks for chiming in! So, just to be clear, you’re finding that (a) edit_posts users are unable to access the Dashboard, even though (b) their capabilities in wp_usermeta are correct?

    Does anybody who’s experiencing the problem mind sharing a database dump with me, or giving me file-level access to their site (plus relevant WP login credentials)? I feel like this is something I could track down if I had access to a site where this is actually happening.



    I am maybe making a mistake, but are these must-have?

    delete_user_option( $user_id, 'capabilities' );
    delete_user_option( $user_id, 'user_level'   );

    EDIT: I dunno what’s happening, I restored the DB and I am using multiple sites with one usermeta and user table. When I did not log into the site which is running with BP 2.0 I have admin rights on the others, but when I log in I lost everything.



    @lchief – You might be onto something. This is supposed to be part of the migration tool to the new setup system. Can you share the following info:

    – Are you running WP Multisite?
    – What is your current registration setting?
    – Are you using any plugins (other than BP) that modify user registration in any way?



    well, I can’t troubleshoot: bluehost is down. Now wondering if there was just a freaky coincidence and maybe *they* are to blame…



    I am running multiple (5) single, standalone sites, but the usertable and the usermeta table are the same everywhere.

    I have added the login and register redirection BP plugins and the disable activation one. I am using CubePoints, BP Followers, BP Media, BP Links, BP Extended Groups, BP Friends& Groups Suggest, BP Like, BP Group Extras, WordPress Captcha, BP Activity Refresh and Register Plus Redux (EDIT:) and W3 Total Cache.

    These accounts I am using ATM are registered long ago upon the wordpress installation or in the wp admin section, I have registered an other account, but the problem is the same.

    Now, I will try to restore the DB and Disable all the other BP plugins and we will see what happens.



    &Running with 3.8.3



    & they are Running with 3.8.3



    The database was restored to the previous status and every single BP plugin was deactivated, but the problem is still in ‘good shape’. :S



    @boonebgorges Sorry, I did not see your reply, I have check out again the usermeta table (maybe at the first time I checked it on the wrong place – sry I have more than 1020 tables in the DB and I am not used to use it) and I have found this line




    @lchief – Many thanks for the additional details. I have a suspicion that bp-disable-activation is the culprit. @texrat – Are you by chance running this plugin too?

    I’m going to do some testing and open a bug ticket. I’ll also write a very small drop-in plugin that’ll regrant access to the dashboard. Stay tuned…



    @boonebgorges – I don’t wanna disrupt you, but I have tried to:
    zero: customize 2.0
    1st Restore the DB
    2nd Deactivate all of BP Plugins (while running BP 1.7)
    3rd Activate BP 2.0

    and the bug is still :trolling

    Sorry, but updating the site with the original 2.0 solves the problem xD
    Me and @texrat are the real developers – it came out an hour ago, but we have already opened it up and tried to make some code (true story)



    I’m not running that plugin or anything like it.

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