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Make BuddyPress | bbpress like

  • @julianprice


    I am unsure with we do not have a Buddypress and/or bbPress Make Group like Either as a part of the as the bp’s or a and

    I believe that user would like to find a way to contribute in order to make it better as task force that may not necessary the technical skill set to do so. In addition, i think it is interesting in what buddypress/bbpress is suppose to be about community engagement which seems to be quit the opposite.

    After writing my thoughts….I think their needs to be more of presence on the as the bb’s. Let’s encourage social engagement and input from all & possible weekly meet ups via google hangouts or something just a suggestion.

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  • @modemlooper


    There are not enough contributors to BuddyPress to do something as extensive as the make.wordpress

    Here is the current options to get involved



    Thanks for sharing @modernlooper — I will check it out on how to contribute.
    I think there could be room made at to encourage BuddyPress Community Engagement & Exposure because I see discussion merely on metadata group or other adhoc groups.



    @julianprice Thanks for the great feedback. @modemlooper is correct that BP doesn’t have nearly the contributor base of WP, but I agree with you 100% that having a more centralized hub would make it easier for interested parties to become more involved. I’ve already begun talking with the WP team about how we can either copy some of their infrastructure, or become integrated within it. More soon….



    i think it is interesting in what buddypress/bbpress is suppose to be about community engagement which seems to be quit the opposite.

    I think that’s a little unfair, @mercime and I have gone to great lengths with the codex effort to make things as inclusive as possible with posts, tweets, polls, and requests in general for feedback from the community at large.

    It’s worth keeping an eye on BP blog posts & to keep abreast of what’s happening.

    One thing – perhaps to what Boone refers – that would help and that has been discussed and is favoured by some is to try and vring the three major aspects of BP under one domain proper so themeing, Documentation, and core dev exist as subdomains of and as such have their own homes for news and updates.



    @hugo was not attention to discredit anyone. Just an effort from someone attempting to contribute to the buddypress project because I know only few that contribute (via 🙂 stalking or following); which is only a handful: @boonebgorges , @jamesjjacoby, tammie leister, ray, @modernlooper, @sarah . That’s just the dew I know off the top of my head.

    I am not developer & barely knew hmtl/CSS a few months ago, I am just learning functions, fields, &php which is completely out of my realm. I only attempting to contribute by noticing this miss lap/division of the WordPress community as a whole, that could be learned nor have to recreate the wheel by learning to utilize the bb’s potential.

    What made me think of posting this in the first place was a review of and watching the discussions on the metaphoris project enhancing the metafields/metadata in wordpress.

    That’s when I thought my buddypress already has included the ability for profile fields with text, select, radio, Multi select elements….why not look at what buddypress has done!

    I purely believe that presence on the can increase awareness in the general wordpress user exposure but more importantly the wordpress developer involvement as a whole.

    At this point, is the only way i feel I can contribute with out technical experience is via feedback & observation of what seems disconnect in community awareness of buddypress.

    Sorry to go on a rampage but noticed also that bbpress has some documentiion on how to style.

    My only purpose is to insure inclusiveness and encouragement of wordpress community as one.

    Thanks. I am happy to help in anyway to contribute; if it testing a local version or so what…you just will have to tell how…LOL. I will certainly try.

    Sorry to go on rampage

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