@hugo was not attention to discredit anyone. Just an effort from someone attempting to contribute to the buddypress project because I know only few that contribute (via 🙂 stalking or following); which is only a handful: @boonebgorges , @jamesjjacoby, tammie leister, ray, @modernlooper, @sarah . That’s just the dew I know off the top of my head.
I am not developer & barely knew hmtl/CSS a few months ago, I am just learning functions, fields, &php which is completely out of my realm. I only attempting to contribute by noticing this miss lap/division of the WordPress community as a whole, that could be learned nor have to recreate the wheel by learning to utilize the bb’s potential.
What made me think of posting this in the first place was a review of make.wordpress.org and watching the discussions on the metaphoris project enhancing the metafields/metadata in wordpress.
That’s when I thought my buddypress already has included the ability for profile fields with text, select, radio, Multi select elements….why not look at what buddypress has done!
I purely believe that presence on the make.wordpress.org can increase awareness in the general wordpress user exposure but more importantly the wordpress developer involvement as a whole.
At this point, is the only way i feel I can contribute with out technical experience is via feedback & observation of what seems disconnect in community awareness of buddypress.
Sorry to go on a rampage but noticed also that bbpress has some documentiion on how to style.
My only purpose is to insure inclusiveness and encouragement of wordpress community as one.
Thanks. I am happy to help in anyway to contribute; if it testing a local version or so what…you just will have to tell how…LOL. I will certainly try.
Sorry to go on rampage