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Member Nav Menu Items for WP6 FSE

  • @wingflap


    Using the Full Site Editor in WP 6.4, I can see the generic directory pages available for use as menu items. However, I can’t figure out how to create a Member menu with member-based menu items. I’d love to be able to transition to a theme like Twenty Twenty-Four, but I need the ability to have these links without having to give people access to the WP Toolbar.

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  • @imath



    It’s on our todo list. Not available at the moment but probably at next major version.



    Thanks for the quick response. By next major release, do you mean 12.1 or 13? Do you have any rough idea when this would be?



    @wingflap, @imath

    FWIW – A workaround, for now, is to create a “Custom Link” and then utilize the “Members user shortlink redirector” as a relative URL in the URL textbox, e.g. for the “Profile” URL – “/members/me/profile/”, and then use whatever label that fits your fancy.

    IOW, the DocBlock for the function bp_core_members_shortlink_redirector, reads as follows:

     * Members user shortlink redirector.
     * Redirects* to{LOGGED_IN_USER_SLUG}/*
     * @since 2.6.0
     * @param string $member_slug The current member slug.
     * @return string $member_slug The current member slug.



    How do I create a custom link, and how and where would I call the Members user shortlink redirector?




    12.1.0 will be a minor release. There won’t be a 13.0.0 release just like the 13th floor often lacks in building. We’ll jump to 14.0.0 for our next major release.

    How long will it take us to reach 14.0.0, it depends on the number of people who will contribute to it. 12.0.0 took us almost a year and 46 people contributed to it.





    I’ll try this again, the 1st attempt seems to have gone away (into moderation, perhap?), nevertheless, I’ll attempt to illustrate the how to add “Custom Link” via 2 (two) Screenshots. The following should illustrate how to add a “Custom Link” and illustrates a setup for BuddyPress Member Nav menu items.

    Screenshot 1

    The next Screenshot, hopefully, illustrates how to enter info into the “Label” and “URL” textboxes. The “me” in the URL is converted/replaced by whomever happens to be the current “logged-in user“.

    Screenshot 2



    I didn’t realize that you meant Custom Links in the FSE. I was looking for a place to actually call the shortlink redirector in functions.php! It’s all set up to work with FSE themes. That’s awesome! Thanks for the help. It works well.

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