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Member search false positives

  • @antipole


    On my site I have a members directory tab. Users can enter a search term in the Search Members… field to find those members with the search term.

    However, I am seeing occasional false positives, i.e. a member is being returned who does not have the search term. For example, if you search on south, the last user listed Paul does not have south anywhere in his profile.

    I have tried switching to a standard theme Twenty Sixteen – no different. I have removed all plugins except BuddyPress and still the same. I have combed the errant profile using the backend and cannot find the string anywhere.

    NB1 Some of the extended profile fields on this site are not publicly visible. I know that the search finds profiles regardless of permissions but it then displays the profile without the private information. But, in the instances I am seeing, the found term does not exist at all – at least I cannot find it as admin looking in the user’s profile in the backend.

    Any suggestions, anyone?

    NB2. My test site has several plugins that might cause this issue, but I have demonstrated it to be present with only BuddyPress active.

    WordPress 4.6.1; BuddyPress 2.6.2; bbPress 2.5.10

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  • @joeaj111


    I’m trying to do the same thing. how did you setup your search?



    @joeaj111 – not sure I understand your question… it is standard BuddyPress stuff:

    1. Create a blank page for the members list
    2. Set that page as the Members page in BuddyPress settings

    When you display that page you see a list of members and at the top is a search box to search for a member.

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