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members count doesn’t work

  • @ovizii


    – this was a wp 2.9.1 installation which I upgraded to 3.0 beta2
    – BP version
    – corporate theme version 1.2

    here is a link, but I am currently working on it so it might change while you visit:

    Btw. I know the theme its not officially compatible with 3.0 but still everything seems fine except the members count and the error happens with the BP default theme too.

    Any advice?

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  • @ovizii


    sorry for bumping this guys, but I really need to figure this one out :-( googling doesn’t help either



    updating to 3.0 RC2 didn’t help either, still broken members count :-(



    here is a link to a relevant error log: some problems there but unsure how they happened:



    I have compared both the test server and the live server configs, disabled mod_security, checked different other settings and found NOTHING until I stumbled upon a pretty hidden error log of this client and there are a couple of different DB errors like [06-Jun-2010 10:46:25] WordPress database error Unknown column 'spam' in 'where clause' for query SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM wp_users WHERE spam = 0 AND deleted = 0 AND user_status = 0 made by require, require_once, do_action, call_user_func_array, bp_core_do_catch_uri, load_template, require_once, bp_get_total_member_count, bp_core_get_total_member_count

    so its definitely a wordpress issue and not a server issue. here is a bigger part of the error log, just in case anyone has some feedback on this:

    gettign weirder and weirder:

    the test site has these fields inside the wp_users table:
    Full Texts ID user_login user_pass user_nicename user_email user_url user_registered user_activation_key user_status display_name spam deleted

    the live site these:
    Full Texts ID user_login user_pass user_nicename user_email user_url user_registered user_activation_key user_status display_name

    After adding the two missing fields: spam and deleted, all is good :-)
    Does anyone know when those fields were supposed to be added? I which WP version? or does BP add them? I’d like to figure out where this went wrong…



    Er, I know WP & WPMU the user table columns are slightly different.Was the test site install ever MU?



    no, it was a 2.9.1. install upgraded to 3.0 beta1, then beta2 then RC2.
    Its all good now, just trying to figure out where it went wrong…

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