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Members List Not Showing Members

  • @omniscope


    BuddyPress 2.9.4
    WordPress 4.9.5

    I’m having two issues with BuddyPress at the moment.

    1) The members list is empty.
    -When you click on the members menu it shows the drop down menu to select from Last Active, Newest, and Alphabetically.
    – Then there’s the button with the number of members (16 – the four I’ve been testing have all logged in multiple times)
    – But the messages says “! Sorry, no members were found.

    2) when sending a friend request to a member in a group the request is sent, but when clicked on by the intended member the invitation disappears and you can’t see it or acknowledge it. It still shows up as next to the Friends menu item as 1 request but when you click on Friends and request it’s empty and says “You have no pending friendship requests.”

    I’ve deactivated all plugins except BuddyPress. I’ve tried changing the BuddyBoss theme, but still have the same issue.

    Any idea where I can start?

    Again, the 4 members, and admin, have all logged in multiple times.

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  • @wbcomdesigns


    @omniscope Please make sure new users have verified their emails after registration. New Users will display inside the member’s directory only after their first login, it’s generated based on their last active timestamp.
    You can also check following thread

    Members Not Showing



    All users are “Test” users and were added via the Admin dashboard. Each of the “test” users were also logged into the site on multiple occasions. I’ve checked the last active timestamps for each of the users and they are being updated in the database.

    Where the members list should display it has the correct count of members but nothing in the list.



    @omniscope Try to check with default WP theme and create a new user at site to debug the issue



    I am having the same problem. To replicate the issues with BuddyPress, we have them explained here

    also this error
    appears for mobile devices, when trying to access the website, can you help find what is causing this?




    Make sure all your members have a ‘last_activity’ timestamp.

    New users not showing on member page until they sign in

    If the issues persist, you need to do some basic debugging.
    Start by using a WP theme like 2017 and use the BP > Options > Template Pack > BuddyPress Legacy templates. If that clears up the issues, then you need to get a solution from BuddyBoss.

    If the issues persist, deactivate any other plugins.
    If the issues persist, there is a serious and unknown problem.
    Otherwise, activate the other plugins one at a time until you see an issue.



    Hi Shanebp,

    Thanks, going through those steps now one-by-one. As I am checking for ‘last_activity’ for each user, I noticed in the _usermeta table I have ‘nickname’ twice. Could that cause an issue, namely that there is no primary ‘Name’ field? See umeta_id 1 and 21:



    OMG, you are right last_activity is missing! See

    Only I have the last_activity meta_key (user_id 1 and 2).

    user_id 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 also have it but from 2016 (!) – I suspect this comes from the dummy data import that I did for the theme.

    The others are active on the site, but have no last_activity recorded. Would somebody point me to the next step on how to fix that?




    As of BuddyPress 2.0, last_activity is no longer stored in usermeta.
    However, it is mirrored there for backward compatibility.
    Instead, refer to the _bp_activity table.

    My first reply included a link to code for insuring that all members have a ‘last_activity’ timestamp.
    Did you follow the directions and run the code?

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