15 years, 6 months ago
Dear All,
I’m using wordPress MU 2.8.4. and Buddypress 1.0.3.
In the member widget there are two way to open the member page: clicking on member avatar or clicking in member username.
If I click on avatar I have this right URL http://domain.com/members/username/.
If I click on username I have this wrong URL http://domain.com/username/ and I have an error (something like this page does not exist).
I think it’s simple to correct this widget error, but I have no idea wich is the related php file.
Thank you
This is a known issue and has been fixed ready for the next release. There used to be a sticky thread on this forum with a quick fix, but it’s dropped off the sticky threads list. Have a search and see if you can find it.
Hi DJPaul,
thank you very much.
Do you know which php file manage this widget?
Best regards,