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[Resolved] Missing BuddyPress Menu Links

  • @tjr3217



    I have used buddypress a good deal to create membership sites and have run into something strange. I have found that I cannot get the menu links to display in the admin>menu area. interestingly, this works in the same theme on another site, but will not work on a new site. Keep in mind, I have already disabled all plugins and have gone back to using the 2013 theme. Still no menu links for buddypress in the admin>menu area. Any ideas on why this would be? Again, please do not misread this. I am asking if there is anyway to check the code to determine if the nav links have loaded. I am using the latest version of buddypress and have disabled all plugins to avoid conflicts. Thanks.


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  • @mercime


    @tjr3217 Go to Appearance > Menus and click on the “Screen Options” tab at the upper right hand area of the screen to open up the contextual help panel. Top line of the panel, check BuddyPress to “Show on Screen”.

    Strange that the BuddyPress page links didn’t show up under either the “Most Recent” or the “View All” tab of your Pages metabox.



    Thank you so much. You know, I get so wrapped up in thinking there is something wrong, that I forget the most simple things. It is now there and I feel quite idiotic, but happy nonetheless. Thank you so much for your help. I really needed it.



    @tjr3217 You’re welcome. All’s well that ends well 🙂
    Marking this as resolved.

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