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Migrating data from sql-NOT a wp site to a new Buddypress

  • darrylmit


    Existing Site: cancer survivor community

    Exists since last 7-8 years; created by an amature web designer using php-mysql. I have is access to .sql dumps of individual tables of the existing database.

    The current website only provides simple functionality to accept data from users through a form [typical form consisting of First Name, Last Name, health status, Branch, age, etc.).

    What I have done so far:

    Created a buddypress powered site on a staging url. Before I take it to the Internet, I need to import the data of existing users from existing database to the new buddypress site.

    To keep the things simple, I have replicated the input fields of existing website into my buddypress site.


    I want to have all the old information imported to my new buddypress site’s database so that the old users do not have to re-register on the new website.

    Is there a way to solve the problem? Please suggest

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  • r-a-y


    Your developer would need to write an import script to parse your old database tables to match the BuddyPress DB schema.

    No way around it, unless you manually create each user and fill in each user’s data one-at-a-time. This would be painful if your existing site is quite large.



    Thank you for replying. I have 7,800 members on the active site. Are there pre-existing import script that parse my old database tables to match the BuddyPress DB schema? I am thinking of simply importing the (1)user name, (2)password, (3)associated email address and (4) profile photos and then asking each user to answer the slightly different questions on their profiles on the new BP site. Is there a plugin or some script that could help with that?



    If you’re just relying on the basics like username, password and email address, you should be able to look at various WordPress user import plugins:

    And then to modify one of them to fit your current database schema. If you’re able to export your data to CSV, then you could probably use one of the available plugins.

    However, for avatars, you would need to write a separate script to import them though.




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