at this time it seems like the only way to do it is to do it yourself/hire a programmer. i would like to do the same thing but have not found anything that can migrate or bridge them that works well with phpbb3.
hi Guys!
I have migrated from phpbb3 to buddypress
site went live today, there were some hiccups with script, and not everything was converted.. private msg or attachments. and links in posts are not right..
anyways, here it is.
PS. I have not done it myself, but people who did it, if they did it for me, they can do it for you, drop me PM and i will forward your info!
@kriskl your community has, like…62000 MEMBERS ? Wow, now THATS a large community !
Liked your site, very organized. Being about accountancy students, wouldn’t facebook login be useful for member singup ?
It’s also very fast – what are you hosting on?
with phpbb it was easy to grow numbers.. because there was an option to restrict access.. to registered members only..
buddypress does not have this though 
people can read all posts without registration
there is invite on,y and hidden forum.. but it is not the same as
register to view..
i think that;s missing feature by the way
re facebook login — I want them to be registered with me, not only with facebook haha
– unless I misunderstand..
re hosting,, is it fast? to me it seems on the slow side,
so I am glad you said that.. guys who were helping me out had to install some plugins to optimize it.. etc..
it is on dedicated server / litespeed
with this Facebook Connect plugin it creates a member in BP, so even if you remove the plugin their account stays:
I see, thanks for the info
I am going to experiment first with facestream.. for some reason i get an error when try to set it up..
It would be very easy to modify your forum code so that only registered members can view posts. You could say “if the current user is not logged in, display a ‘sorry’ message, else proceed with setting up and displaying the forum posts. You could even set it up so they could view a few teaser posts at the top, and then display the ‘you must login’ message. I may in fact try this out on a few groups!
oh please do try it out.. it would be really great
maybe someone would convert it into plugin or something also!