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Migrating Ning to BuddyPress

  • @surfershot


    Is there still away to migrate over to Buddypress?
    Every topic I find is dated back in 2010. Thanks!

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  • @danbp



    sorry, no solution i’m aware of.
    Latest topic about Ning is 3 days old…




    I have moved my site from Ning to Wp/Buddypress with a bbpress integration a few weeks ago. I was able to import a lot of content except the forum topics/responses.

    What I did was this:
    – used the export tool from Ning
    – used the import tool to import ning to Buddypress
    All my members (not that many, around 34 at that time) and their profiles, usernames, etc were transferred. All blogposts from Ning were imported as well.
    It was easy for members to activate their account on my new Wp/Buddypress site.

    The only down thing was that I had to manually copy topics and responses from the forum since I was unable to import this due to an error in the json file. I tried to repair that file but with no succes.

    I hope this helps, should you have any questions please let me know. Like you I browsed many old topics and was unable to find any recent topics, so I just started out with trail and error to do it all myself.




    Hey Karen, thanks for that!
    The main things I’m concerned about are photos and videos since my Ning site is setup that way.
    I’m wondering if the comments and the star ratings on photos/videos will also import over. I’m aware that there are other wp plugins to accomplish this but I’m hoping for someone to verify it.
    Thanks again,



    Hello Scott,

    My site is not really focused on images and videos so I did not have to export/import a lot of this, but the media I did import went well.

    Comments on blogs (from Ning) were imported so I guess this could work out well for comments on photos/videos as well. The only thing is whenever you have a lot of media content it will take some time to export.

    You just would give it a try to see how it works out. I took the following steps:
    Installed WP
    Installed Buddypress
    Installed BBPress
    Downloaded the Ning Export tool ( and started exporting
    Downloaded and installed Import from Ning tool

    I used ftp to upload the Ning files, to avoid errors I did this step by step (not all content at once).

    Good luck with it!

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