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Minimal groups, forums, members and blogs lists

  • @burtadsit


    I needed to display the groups, forums, members and blogs on my site in a more minimalistic way than the standard bp widgets. I just wanted the bare minimum like ‘name of’ showing and not avatars and various other details. I created a few chunks of code that I use around my theme. Thought they might be useful for somebody. So here they are:

    (Posting code to the forums doesn’t always work so well)

    The first is a list of forums on my site. I run two bbpress installs one for groups and one for site wide discussions. So the first link is to the community bbpress install and the rest just lists the existing group forums that have been created.

    Second is a list of the newest groups with a link to my community blog that runs the bp home theme. The link just runs the groups directory over there.

    Third is a list of all the blogs on the site with a link to the community blog directory.

    Number four lists the newest members with a link to the community members directory as a title.

    The reference to the function oci_get_community_blog_url() goes out and gets the url of the site community blog where I have the bp home theme running. It just goes out and gets the url from options.

    I haven’t turned these things into template tags with options yet but I’ll get there sometime. This works for me now, since I’m only using this code in a file I include in various places around the theme.

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  • @dimensionmedia



    These are great. And yes, these would be great long term if they were template tags or something similar. That way we can easily incorporate them into well-built components. But excellent job.

    You may want to think about commenting the code in the pastie site itself, since some may stumble upon it in a manner OTHER than this forum post. Just a suggestion. :)




    I’m working on Widgets too, on bpdev..

    (i think we’ve to discuss in burtadsit’s topic on bpdev but here it’s the same)

    As soon as possible i will write a post to how to customize and create own widgets



    Thanks David. I thought it might be useful to let people know that the bp core and all the lovely components can be accessed from any theme, any time. It ain’t rocket science, it’s programming.

    I’m not too familiar with pastie. I’ve just used it a couple of times. It’s browsable? I just though it was a net wide scratch pad.

    Nicola! I posted the same stuff over at too.



    Is there a way to get a “blogs” widget for bp just like the groups and members widget? I am not a code guy, I only know cut and paste, but I am looking for an easier way to navigate from my bp main page to where I really want my visitors to be going is my blog networks on wpmu install. I think of Bp as the wheel that connects all the blog networks wpmu contains. I am trying to figure out an easier way to let my visitors and members travel in, throughout, and around in my bp/wpmu install. right now, they seem to be stopping at the bp and getting frustrated. your idea of using this code to bring up a list of blogs that is linked would be very useful for me all throughout the install.

    Could I get something like a drop down of all my blogs in the navigation bar of bp?

    Hell, I would settle for a widget!





    chadeverson, the blog directory built into bp is just what you are talking about. It has alphabetic lookup, search and featured which is just random(). Get more than just a few blogs and the list option is long and unwieldy.

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