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Minimum Avatar-Size

  • glycoknob


    I’m using the default Buddypress-Theme and there are 2 Avatar-Sizes (150px and 50px) – That great but I’d like to avoid that users can upload smaller Pics.

    I’ve looked at the code in bp-core-avatars.php:

    function bp_core_check_avatar_dimensions($file) {
    $size = getimagesize($file);

    This function is not used – But I tried to add a if-clause using this function but then every picture – how big or small it may be – gets refused.

    Any Ideas how to resolve this?

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  • What about trying to insert a call to that function around line 134 in bp-core-avatars.php? Just above where it has four checks (one of them is ‘File you uploaded is too big’ and ‘Please upload only JPG, GIF or PNG photos’).

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