Thanks el_terko. I’m installing the latest version of BBPress (new install) to WPMU 2.7.1 and BuddPress 1.0.2
Thanks again el_terko. I have another queestion.
I ‘think’ everything is working – I confirmed that I can log into both using both my admin and user username/pword combinations. And, when I look at the list of users for the bbpress they are the same as those listed in buddpress.
However, should I still have to log into the forum? when I go to \forums it asks me to login, and I thought that it would automatically do this.
Has anyone done a completely new install of the latest wpmu, buddypress and bbpress successfully? I’m not getting the integration between buddypress and bbpress, nor the ability to create forums in bbpress.
Just seems that every success thread I read relates to upgrading from alpha/rc for one or more components, and I’m wondering if by doing so there’s something that was overlooked in the (now missing) documentation for new installs.
Appreciate any help on this – it’s a test install that thus far has been great, but now I’m wishing there was full-on documentation available
I know of a few people working on a full-on tutorial for fresh installs for the entire package (BP 1.0.2, bbPress 1.0.1, WPMU 2.71).
TheEasyButton was working furiously on a walkthrough. John also stated he was working on one.
Patience! Something will pop up soon!
Oh my head hurts. *laughs*
I’ve still not been able to do this from scratch. I think there’s either a file that BP is looking for or something in the database that’s been omitted from the newest release of bbPress.
But for now, hopefully this solution will work.
Question regarding integration of bbPress 1.01 + WPMU 2.8.1 beta + BuddyPress 1.0.2
Will there be any steps that can be eliminated with the above integration steps with new release of 2.8.1 beta?
If I were you Brian Katz, I’d avoid the wpmu 2.8.1 release for the moment. Have you seen all the issues floating through trac and svn for that ver? It’s not exactly ready for prime time yet. Soon, but not yet.
Thanks for the warning …. haha …
… I did not want to go down the wrong path and waste a lot of time.