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modify Featured Members widget on Members page

  • @mikepratt


    Can anyone offer advice/a path to take to mod the Members Page/Featured Members widget such that I won’t have to over write every time there’s a BP update? I want to change the random user data function to display particular fields.

    Additionally, although everything appears to be functioning properly on my members page, the following page title continues to be generated: ‘Nothing found for Members’ I hav been unabvle to locate the source of this title generation

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  • @mikepratt


    i will put 2nd part of this post into it’s own topic



    The long term solution would be to have them add a filter, so you can replace the standard function with your own.

    Their may already by a filter in place you can use, which would either modify the output of a function, or replace it’s output all together.

    The other option is to just write your own widgets, You can see what I did, it is a basic copy of the default members widget with a little customization for my needs:

    By writing my own widget, I can bypass those functions and just make my own, for example, I may only want to show popular members which don’t have gravatar avatars, would be very easy with my own sql calls.

    Let me know if this makes sense,




    Thanks Brad, and nice effort so far on your site. I see those as the two options as well. Just not sure the direction I want to take. If I can easily apply a filter I will but I’m not sure



    Mike, have you created a page called “Members”? Try that and see if your Page Not Found error goes away. I had to do this when using my own theme instead of the BP home theme. I had to do it for Groups and Blogs, too.

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