Yeah, I just checked your site at and I was going to say the exact same thing. Actually, if my eyes aren’t betraying me then you only need to add the line border-right:none
Code changed to none since that is probably more appropriate than using 0px.
Personal Note: One of these days this site is going to look like something else besides a default theme with color changes. Guess that means the header.php file needs to be changed more … hehe
@paulhastings0 it’s a mixture of BP-Album Media, a nightly build, but I did not change the database from a previous installation. Next, some code was copy/pasted, modified to show the photos and videos along with a widget for login/logout differences.
global $bp, $featured_template;
// STEP 1: Run the default query. It will use the options set in the admin back end.
$row_count = 0;
// STEP 2: Test if items were found. If so, open the CSS block.
if ( bp_album_featured_has_items() ) : ?>
// STEP 3: Iterate through the items the query has found, printing each one out.
while ( bp_album_featured_has_items() ) : bp_album_featured_the_item(); ?>