I have just moved my MU 2.9.2 and buddypress 1.2.3 site to a new domain. Probably did it a bit backwards, but have done it nonetheless. I have managed to get all users imported to new site DB – and only imported those members that have blogs.
Everything looking good except…
I have two logins, admin and my personal username, under the old domain, I had my personal username set up as the site adminstrator – so that I did not have to keep logging in under admin.
In WordPress Mu I can go to both dashboards under the My Blogs link. But I would like for it to show in the buddypress bar at the top of the page – like on the old domain. Where I can acess both blogs from the My blogs pulldown menu. I know this isn’t a huge propblem, but for ease of use, it would be great to fix this.
Seeing I can access everything in MU, I am thinking this is a buddypress problem? I have imported accross all BP tables and still it does not work. Is there a way to edit the SQL manually in phpmyadmin? If so, how do I go about doing this?
I eagerly await hearing from you on this little problem I am having.