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Multiple Sets of Connected Profiles

  • coopman14


    Is it possible to create various groups of one-to-many connections? It seems Users can only create one set of connections (“friends”) or member groups that are many-to-many groups where everyone joins a single conversation. Can I create additional one-to-many groups, for example “friends”, “family”, “colleageus”, etc.? Ideally the user could then limit visibility of profile fields based on these groups, i.e. some fields would be visibile to “friends” connections, others visible to “family” connections, etc.

    Likewise, in the scenario above, could each user individually select which one-to-many group to put other members into? For example, User A may consider User B in their “family” group of connections, thereby providing User B with visibility to profile fields they have selected for visibility to “family”. User B may consider User A in their “friend” group of connections, thereby providing User A with corresponding profile visibility.

    Thanks for your help!

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