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Need beginner help ASAP, please!

  • edinchez


    Hi guys. I really need help with these couple of bugs I’m having with my BP Columns theme. I need it asap because I’m officially releasing the website to public tomorrow. So, the first bug is: I’m using a custom menu for the navigation, made from Appearance > Menus, and changed the header.php so it reades that menu. Thing is, when I go to a category, the header button doesn’t get “clicked” or “hovered” when in it. Screenshot:


    Screen on the left, is when on homepage. Screen on the right, is in the category called Articles.

    Second bug: The separating line between the content and the right sidebar doesn’t go to the end of the theme. Screen:


    I tried removing the search widget, removing all widgets, changing widgets, still didn’t work. Any ideas?


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  • edinchez


    anyone, please, really need this fixed!

    Firstly these are not bugs as such they are styling issues, your column doesn’t descend down as it’s height and border is dictated by it’s content height.

    These matters really are best addressed to the theme author.

    With a voluntary support forum it’s important to remember that the volunteers are not paid to help so it’s best not to flag posts as ‘urgent’ or ‘ASAP’ :)

    If you are going live shortly and are not especially a coder yourself it may be wise to employ one to sort these issues out?

    Ought to have added that these are issues that while SC might show the problem without actual sight of code it’s difficult to suggest a course of action.
    Depending on the method used to fashion the layout elements there is a technique that might work where you overlap borders to create a continuous one, then the sidebar and the content area would have a border-left and border right respectively with one of the elements having a one pixel negative margin so that it’s border actually overlapped the other.



    thanks but, tbh, i didn’t understand a thing you said there :D can you make it a bit easier for me? or can you help me privately maybe? thankss!

    I’m afraid that you do need the services of a coder really, you can post in the jobs section for some help or as I said earlier try approaching the themes author which really you should try first as they wrote the theme know their code and how to adapt / modify it.

    I’m afraid I no longer help privately on small jobs as they cost too much time, happy to help on support in public posts where I can though.



    yeah sure, doesn’t matter if it’s private or public. can you just show me how to fix the sidebar separator? the header thingy isn’t so important.

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