Need help locating filter definition
On our site, we have a page that displays member’s profile information. I believe that the contents of that page are generated by the file wp-content\themes\social-portfolio-child\buddypress\members\single\profile\profile-loop.php.
The key line of code in this file seems to be:
$data = bp_get_member_profile_data( ['field' => $name] );
which retrieves the information to be displayed for each field. The function is defined in the file wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-members\bp-members-template.php at around line 1095.
The one things that I cannot figure out, however, is line 1150:
$data = apply_filters( 'bp_get_member_profile_data', $data, $r );
for the simple reason that I cannot find where the filter is defined! Would you please point me to the definition of the filter? (The reason that I am asking is that one of the fields in question is a file and the text that is displayed as part of the hyperlink is ‘Download file’ and we would like to change that text.)
Thank you.
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