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[Resolved] Need some help for a customization.:)

  • @creativepixels


    Hi guys,

    I’ve installed Buddypress & BBpress on my site, its running perfectly but I need your help to configure my sidebar-buddypress.php file to work correctly.

    I’ve installed and follow the buddypress-template-pack plugin set up guide but i need some help to get my sidebar showing at the right place.

    I’ve created a sidebar-buddypress.php file where i’ve hided the sidebar for now, can someone help me to get this thing work ?

    (my site isnt currently running but i’ll send the login and password if someone can help…)

    Thanks ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  • @mercime


    @creativepixels What WP theme are you using? Could have been template-packed already.

    On another note, if you have a new installation and just starting to develop your site, you could download and upload to your server. You won’t need the BP Temlpate Pack plugin anymore. Deactivate it and remove the 6 folders transferred during the Appearance > BP Compatiblity process in your theme’s folder in server. The BP pages will automagically be inserted in the pages. A few themes where theme authors rewrote the default WP templating system have failed but a majority of WP themes tested have 100% integration. So what WP theme are you using?



    Hello mercime,

    I’m using the supreme theme from swift ideas bought on (

    I’ll try the 1.7 beta 1 tonight ๐Ÿ˜‰



    @creativepixels cool. Crossing fingers you won’t have to template-pack the theme ๐Ÿ™‚



    So, i have the same problem with the 1.7 beta 1, no sidebar is showing ๐Ÿ™



    @creativepixels There’s still hope. I overlooked the fact that you already went through the Appearance > BP Compatibility process. So here’s what you’ll do:

    – Deactivate BP template pack plugin

    – Remove the 6 BuddyPress folders transferred to your supreme theme’s folder in wp-content/themes/supreme-theme folder namely: /activity, /blogs, /forums, /groups, /members, and /registration.

    – Clear cache and check your BP pages now.



    No sidebar… Should i go through a clean install of both buddypress and bbpress ?



    @creativepixels before reinstalling everything, open your theme’s page.php file, copy all code and paste to, click submit and post the generated URL here. I want to see if the author used default WP templates or rewrote the templating system.



    Here it is :




    Hmm your themes page.php has no get_sidebar() call it only juggles a series ofย  dynamic_sidebars depending on what looks to be a per post/page meta value, dynamic sidebars only take their content via widget you the user set from the dashboard widgets page. Not they way I would have built a standard WP template personally, your going to need to add the get_sidebar() function just before get_footer() but that is likely then going to need positioning to fit in your theme and/or the dynamic sidebars adjusting.


    For all the work that was done making BP compatible with themes with 1.7 sadly it is going to be a case that it won’t simply and seamlessly work with all especially where they are heavily customised themes or abstracted frameworks that try and depart from WP conventions.



    Thank you for your help, what i want to do is to use the sidebar to display widget at the right of the forum like recent posts, ad, etc…

    Do you think its possible with this theme ?



    @hnla this is a scenario which the BP Template Pack plugin could be used. Initial scan shows that two/three -buddypress.php files need to be created for compatibility.

    if you’re game, post the source codes of your theme’s header.php, sidebar.php, index.php and footer.php files as well. Let’s give it one more try ๐Ÿ™‚



    @mercime |this is a scenario which the BP Template Pack plugin could be used

    Shame though; the point of 1.7 compatibility ought to have been to remove the need for template pack once and for all not to allow it to survive – running a custom set of files the scenario for those with moderate coding skills and theme compatibility for those that don’t.


    Anyway carry on ๐Ÿ™‚



    Shame though; the point of 1.7 compatibility ought to have been to remove the need for template pack once and for all not to allow it to survive

    Agreed. Thing is, if the two/three -buddypress.php files don’t work because of all those customized conditional sidebars (it has happened), the other alternative is to hardcode the HTML structure this time by checking out the source code of a chosen layout and apply it to all of the 17 BP template files.

    Patience, patience, patience ๐Ÿ™‚



    Thanks guys but its working now ๐Ÿ™‚

    The guy who made the theme just gave me some little help ๐Ÿ˜‰



    ๐Ÿ™‚ Moral of this story then is whom to ask first, be nice if you could provide the eventual solution? might help to have it on record if anyone else using this theme?



    @creativepixels as hnla referred to it above, what method did the theme author use to resolve the issue?



    He made a custom forum page template that I upload in the theme’s folder, then i used this template for my forum’s page, and it worked ๐Ÿ™‚



    By the way, i would like my forum space to be a little more large.

    Is it possible to extend its width ? Or to make it responsive ?

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