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New great plugin, buddypress-wall by @megainfo

  • @funmi-omoba


    @megainfo, just to say what a fantastic work you are doing for this community, you released buddypress privacy and now another great plugin called buddypress-wall, I just tested it and all I can say is welldone.

    Thank you soooooo much

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  • @bphelp


    Where do you get it?



    @funmi-omoba why post this here if you don’t link to the plugin? Seems a little pointless just bigging someone up in this fashion.



    I found it on github in case you or anyone else wants to check it out.



    @hnla, am so sorry for not linking, thats the link posted by @bphelp



    Hi @funmi-omoba, @bp-help, @hnla

    Thank’s funmi omoba for the post, i want tell you that the first version of plugin is now available for download from wordpress repo :

    I Hope the Buddypress users will enjoy the plugin.
    Any suggestions are welcome.




    Looks like a great plugin! I’ll give it a whirl over the next few days.



    @megainfo do correct me if I’m wrong but is this not another re-hash of an older plugin?

    You have this line in the readme.txt
    Why it points nowhere, why are you saying the WP support forum for plugin is really checked and to post here with support issues? BP support does not offer support for third party plugins the correct place to offer/deal with support is on the provided WP plugin support.



    ,I dont remember from where i was past this part of text, but sure from an old buddypress readme.txt plugin and i was used since long time as template file for all my plugins.
    You can check the readme.txt for all my others plugins too.

    I want ask you a question , why some old plugins have a forum support in the buddypress forum
    i mean ?

    Plugin Forums



    @megainfo Those are historical groups before the changeover to bbPress, then groups were automagically created from WP repo submissions as long as something or other was in the plugin header, but since that change those groups no longer function as support avenues.



    Will give it try..



    @fungi-amoeba @nexus66
    I tried the plugin but it didn’t seem to work on various themes. Also it seems some of the same functionality came from @brajesh ‘s post here:

    Facebook Style Activity Commenting with BuddyPress

    I would like to see this work though on all themes in the future.




    Of course if your try the plugin in buddypress child theme other than the default will not work fine beceause the plugin use the default buddypress template !

    the plugin work with all wordpress themes if the theme use legacy buddypress theme,
    if it is child theme, in this case you must customize the plugin templates by modifying the template files. Just copy buddypress-wall\includes\templates\bp-default folder to your theme and edit the templates.

    A lot of Buddypress plugins present a template and suggest a customisation if the theme is buddypress child themes.



    Thanks for the info. I will give it a try!



    I couldn’t get it working with the latest buddypress – just whitescreened my buddypress pages. (header still loaded.) will get back to you with some debug info…



    What an exhaustive way to get “post to someone’s profile functionality”. This could have easily been done using the core activity stream without the need to remove and then replace with almost identical code.

    You can add customized activity items with a custom post form. As for changing Activity text to Wall that is simple to edit as well. Adding custom template files for the activity isn’t a good idea as they can be altered in a theme.

    Create custom activity using this function

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