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New Install Database Table missing error, pls help

  • @omgitsrfb


    Just upgraded to BP1.0.3 and WPMU 2.8.4a and i keep getting the following error:

    [20-Aug-2009 11:22:16] WordPress database error Table ‘XXXXXXX.wp_bp_activity_user_activity_cached’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_bp_activity_user_activity_cached WHERE user_id = 1 AND date_recorded >= FROM_UNIXTIME(0) ORDER BY date_recorded DESC made by require, require_once, do_action, call_user_func_array, bp_core_do_catch_uri, load_template, require_once, bp_has_activities, BP_Activity_Template->bp_activity_template, bp_activity_get_user_activity, BP_Activity_Activity->get_activity_for_user

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  • @jeffsayre


    Did you upgrade using the big orange download button, from the auto upgrade in WPMU’s plugin page, or 1.0.3 trunk from trac?

    Had you previously upgraded to a recent trunk version? If so, which version?




    Thanks for the quick response. I used the plugins page to upgrade. I went straight from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 using the plugins page. I’ve never gone into trac to upgrade.



    i think i lost jeff. anyone else know what’s going on here? pls respond.



    Automatic upgrade is not that smooth. I think it’s best for you to do manual upgrade in the future, and especially true when you did some customization.




    thx for the advice and I will do that going forward. any idea on how i can fix this issue? should I uninstall and upgrade manually? would that work better you think?




    Could you please look in your wp_sitemeta table for an entry “bp-activity-db-version” in the meta_key field column. What is the meta_value number for that record?



    @jeff 1300



    Can you confirm that the table wp_bp_activity_user_activity_cached indeed does not exist?



    @jeff, correct it’s not there. in my php myadmin view the db tables are in alpha order and the order goes like this:






    i can email you a screenshot if you like



    That is very strange indeed. I would suggest deactivating BuddyPress and installing manually.



    thx jeff. in order to do this correctly would you mind helping me out with the the steps to do this? i seem to have found a few threads about doing this and I just want to make sure i do it properly so nothing breaks. i understand how to deactivate but then do I just upgrade manually or do I need to remove or delete the older version of buddypress? thanks for your help.



    First, before doing anything, always read the readme.txt file that comes with the install package–this includes the WPMU and the BuddyPress packages. It has important information–especially about what you need to do with the theme files.

    Since BuddyPress resides in its own directory, I would suggest deleting the old install. You should not have any issues if you do this. Why? Because any of the plugins, themes, or custom code that you may be using should exist outside of the BuddyPress directory. Before deleting the BP directory, you need to make sure that you deactivate it in WPMU’s backend.

    Furthermore, just in case, it is always prudent to have recent backups of your custom themes and your plugins before deleting anything. You want to be absolutely sure that if you accidentally delete the wrong files or directories, that it will not be a big issue since you can simply copy them back. I also suggest that you have a recent copy of your wp-config.php file and even the .htaccess file (assuming that you have plugins installed that may have altered the default congifg).

    Since this is a fresh install, I would also suggest starting over with a new DB. If you already have data that you wish to keep in the DB–because you’ve been running WPMU for awhile in a production environment–then your only option is to manually delete the BP tables in the DB before reinstalling BP.

    Also, since you are having specific issues with the activity tables, you will need to follow my advice in this post to get the activity tables to reinstall.

    As always, before doing anything that affects the DB, please back it up. This also includes backing up your DB before each and every upgrade.




    thanks jeff,

    I’m not questioning your reply here but there was another time I had installed bp and some tables were not created. I found a thread in these forums where someone had a similar issue and posted the SQL needed to just simply create the missing tables. I am only missing wp_bp_activity_user_activity and wp_bp_activity_user_activity_cached.

    So wouldn’t it be easier if you or a database/SQL person could just help me out with the code to create those two tables. I’m thinking it would save me a lot of time and problems cause that’s the only issue I’m having right now. Who knows what I could screw up deactivating and reinstalling bp manually.

    Thanks buddy, let me know.




    jeff or anyone else,

    i tried adding the tables myself and they show up and work just fine but it didn’t resolve my issue so i’m gonna assume i need to do what suggests in this thread but i want to confirm the steps and order of those steps. pls confirm these are the steps and order to remove buddypress and reinstall manually for a website that has been in production for awhile but recently upgraded to wpmu2.8.4a and bp1.0.3. i have data and members that i need to save.

    1. Read the ReadMe file

    2. Backup database

    3. Backup themes, plugins, wp-config, .htaccess and entire site, etc…..

    4. deactivate buddypress

    5. delete the bp directory

    6. manually delete the bp tables in the database (tables that begin with bp_)

    7. manually install bp

    8. do this

    is that all?

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