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New member activation emails not sending

  • jebus


    I’m using WP Mail SMTP with Buddypress. I’ve reinstalled emails, and deactivated all plugins but Buddypress and WP Mail SMTP, but that doesn’t work. Test emails work fine though. I’ve also tried it with Buddypress deactivated and the regular WP registration emails work fine.

    Any help with what else I might try to debug this would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • krask


    I am having the same issue. If someone could help us out, it would be appreciated.

    I cannot find the mythical Buddypress Email Repair. Tried all other options. Mail SMTP is sending emails successfully.

    If there is another membership plugin that doesn’t have this problem, I’d love to hear about it. Ultimate Member is not very good in my eyes, but I can’t use Buddypress if my students can’t activate their accounts.



    Hey krask,

    The email repair is under Tools >> BuddyPress Tools.

    Have you forced BP to use wp_mail() instead of the default? Gotta do that too.

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