“New Member”, “Posts”,”Comments” filter not working on Activities page
I don’t see an issue with these filters, in order for them to work you would need some of these activity types in your activity stream, and there arn’t, so none would be found.
Thank you for your reply.
There is a new member/user created yesterday but it is not showing on http://dev.masum-billah.com/activity/ this activity page even if I select “New Members” filter.
So it’s the activity not posting that’s the issue not the filters. I think in the first instance I’d deactivate all other plugins, switch to a default theme such as 2017 and add another user, see if that shows up in activity. I’d also check if you’ve set up any filters for the activity loop that might exclude that content.
For new posts and comments you’d need to check that site tracking was enabled in the BuddyPress Component settings.
I have deactivated all plugin except buddypress. switched to Twenty Nineteen version 1.4 then created new user name “Oliver Jake” you can see that new user on this page http://dev.masum-billah.com/members/ but if you set “New Members” filter on this activity page http://dev.masum-billah.com/activity/ nothing showing up just one message “Sorry, there was no activity found. Please try a different filter.”
That’s really quite odd, which BP Components do you have active?
https://ibb.co/qF8hDdQ all of them came by default
That’s probably the issue, you don’t have any of the BP Components enabled. I’m not sure but I don’t think you will get a new member activity entry unless you have Extended Profiles enabled.
It’s a bit strange that from this screenshot you are showing groups as not enabled but in your activity you have groups showing as being created though.
https://ibb.co/zR73FFH “Extended Profiles” and “User Groups” are enabled
Not according to your screenshot, they are listed yes, but the checkbox to enable them is empty.
https://ibb.co/vDTRVh1 all components are enabled/activated there is no inactive component
This is what I see on all sites when all options are enabled:
I have implemented blocking concept and it is working fine for all others but except activities comments & replies, i have not found any solution for it
please suggested me with example, how I can implement it
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5 years, 10 months ago
Hi there,
I am facing filtering problem on my “Activity” page there “New Member”,”Posts” and “Comments” filter not working.
I am using WordPress 5.2 and BuddyPress 4.3.0 version. and http://dev.masum-billah.com/activity/ here is my activity page and http://dev.masum-billah.com/members/ here is my members page. on Members page “New Registered” filter showing 2 members which is correct.
Thanks in advance