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New plugin: BP Group Management

  • @boonebgorges


    Hi everyone. I wrote a plugin that allows site admins to manage groups and group membership all in one Dashboard panel: It doesn’t add a ton of functionality to the Godlike powers that the sitewide admin has had since BP 1.2, but it does do a couple of convenient things:

    – lists all the groups in a single place for easy scanning and deletion;

    – allows the admin to add users directly to groups, bypassing the need for invitations

    – displays a list of all members of a site for adding to the group, instead of just the admin’s friends

    Please download it, play with it, and let me know if you find problems.

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  • @erich73


    Super, Boone !

    I just discovered on my BP-install, that myself being the Admin am not even able to invite a user to join a Group until I have friended with that user.

    So I think your Plugin will be a great help !



    Boone, you truly are the king of kings ;)



    Are you saying boo, or Boourns?



    I was saying “boourns” ;)



    Thanks. Love this plugin! Am writing a review of it tonight :)



    Great Plugin. Should be included in the core!



    Very nice. Thanx!



    I installed the group plugin, and then added another member to a public group. I even bumped the member to a moderator.

    That part worked perfectly, but there is one small issue.

    On the groups activity page, it says user ‘x’ joined the group. The ‘x’ is the proper name, however just to the left of the username is my avatar, and not his.


    first activity says ‘steve’ joined, yet the avatar is my avatar, not his, and the avatar also links to my account not his. That will make it a bit confusing to users?

    **cross posted this on the download page forum as well**



    Thanks, Anointed. Fixed in version 0.2.



    Haven’t tried it yet, but from the sounds of it: awesome addition. I’ll download it and check it out. Thanks for your work and effort!




    I updated to .2 but notice that steve’s avatar is still mine:

    fist activity in stream ‘steve’ joined public group….



    Anointed – is that a new activity item? My fix won’t change things that have already been posted to the stream. Only new items will be correct. Is that the case for you?



    sorry boone it’s an old update. I should have mentioned that.

    I added another person to the group just now and their avatar showed up, so it’s fixed… thank you

    I’m curious if you have any plans of adding the ability for the admin or moderator to add members who are not friends to a group via the front end instead of the back end.

    Basically I am doing everything I can to keep people away from the back end of wordpress. I plan on having a lot of moderators for bp, who really should have no reason to ever see the back end if possible.

    If not, no worries, the plugin works perfectly as it is. a HUGE thank you!



    Hi Anointed. Glad it works!

    I have already written a plugin that does what you want! Search the repo for Invite Anyone and see what you think.



    Great plugin Boone! I found one issue though –

    There’s no pagination, so I could only see the first page of groups. You can just add this:

    <div class="tablenav">
    <div class="tablenav-pages">

    <span class="displaying-num" id="group-dir-count">
    <?php bp_groups_pagination_count() ?>

    <span class="page-numbers" id="group-dir-pag">
    <?php bp_groups_pagination_links() ?>


    You will need to move the <?php if( bp_has_groups( $args ) ) : ?> above that though and get it outside of the table generation.

    I also thought it would be nice to add a column at the start for the group avatar?

    <td scope="row" style="text-align: center; padding: 5px 10px">
    <a href="admin.php?page=bp-group-management/bp-group-management-bp-functions.php&action=edit&id=<?php bp_group_id() ?>" class="edit"><?php bp_group_avatar( 'width=35&height=35' ); ?></a>

    You’d probably want to move the inline CSS out of there.



    Thanks, Andy, and good call – that’s what I get for testing only on my local installations that have only a handful of groups!

    I made the fix in version 0.3. It was a bit tricky, because bp_groups_pagination_links() wasn’t adding the ‘order’ attribute to its links. I put together a slightly modified version of that core function and now the pagination links are being created properly.



    Ah yes, I forgot about the ordering.



    Strange for me login as admin on single WP2.9.2 with BP1.2.1 all the users are not listed I need to be friend first. Do I miss something here?



    bpinspire – Just to be clear: you are going to the Edit page for a group, and you see all the current members on the left, but you only see friends in the list at the right?

    I haven’t tested on a single WP but I don’t think it should make a difference, as the user list is pulled right from the BP_Core_User class. Any more info you could give would be helpful – screenshot, maybe?



    Alright so when you edit a group you don’t see the full list of all the members of the website, only group members and friends.



    Hrm. No idea off the top of my head. I will install an instance of single-user WP and see if I can replicate.




    Any way we can get check boxes by member’s names to add multiple members to a group at once?

    Also, i wonder if there could be some integration here with a master-forum (like we’ve been discussing here

    maybe adding the “auto group join” features in to this.

    Just some thoughts. I appreciate your plugins lots.



    @greg – the checkbox thing is definitely on my list for the next release!

    Not sure if the master forum idea is close enough in spirit to be part of this plugin. I’ve built hooks into the group management plugin to allow other plugins to be managed through the interface, though, so if I or someone else builds the master forum plugin, it could conceivably be managed through the group management screen. (though I’m not sure it makes that much sense, given how the whole point of the master forum is to be group-independent!)

    Thanks for the comments and ideas, though, keep ’em coming.



    @bpinspire – I think I found the source of the problem. I have posted an update to the plugin (0.3.1) which should fix it. Please let me know if it fixes things for you.




    You’re right…my thoughts were that if a “master forum”-type plugin never really made it, maybe your group management could accomplish the same thing.

    All it would need is a an admin menu for group forums where everyone was automatically a member, and then the possible renaming of these forums from “group forums” to “you-pick-a-name forums”

    Easy huh? If I knew the first thing about coding I’d make it myself…:)

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