thk u.. working nicely, very clever.. User 0, and I’m a fan of the ugly fix.
You know, I feel that this is so obvious that maybe it should be “considered” to be included in the core? Obviously this wouldn’t be for 1.2 but maybe for 1.2.1?
I mean, think of all the BP installs that have bloggers who comment who aren’t logged in. It could be included as an option in Site Admin -> Options as a check-box to “include non-member comments in sitewide activity streams”?
It makes sense to me. Am I the only one?
I hope Boone’s checked for cases where 0 may be considered equal to false…
Thanks for the plugin, however the activity stream is showing spam comments even if they are stopped by akismet
If people want to comment, let them register is my opinion.
Doesn’t have to be in the core, just use this plugin.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_post_get_permalink() in […]/wp-content/plugins/bp-include-non-member-comments/bp-include-non-member-comments.php on line 65
… is the Backwards compatibility plugin required at least?
[WPMU & BP 1.2 RC3]
15 years, 1 month ago
In part to address some requests here,, and in part because it’s something I’ve wanted myself for a while, I wrote a little plugin today that records blog comments from non-logged-in commenters in the sitewide activity stream. Get it here:
I’ve tested it in in the 1.2RC and in 1.1.3 (the latter of which takes a bit of uncommenting to work right) and it seems to work. Please let me know if you find otherwise.