Just posting here, to keep this fresh. This is a serious problem for me, and I’d really appreciate help.
A social networking site is pretty useless if no-one can register 
I guess it just redirects you to the front page, right?
If so, edit bp-core/bp-core-signup.php. Find lines 78-80 and comment them. It’s funny because in line 77 there is a comment saying that this situation doesn’t naturally occur, but they still check it… well, it’s the way Buddypress is written.
I guess it just redirects you to the front page, right?
If so, edit bp-core/bp-core-signup.php. Find lines 78-80 and comment them. It’s funny because in line 77 there is a comment saying that this situation doesn’t naturally occur, but they still check it… well, it’s the way Buddypress is written.
I guess it just redirects you to the front page, right?
If so, edit bp-core/bp-core-signup.php. Find lines 78-80 and comment them. It’s funny because in line 77 there is a comment saying that this situation doesn’t naturally occur, but they still check it… well, it’s the way Buddypress is written.
Yes it does Mike
Thanks for getting in touch. I’m getting to that file right now 
Will let you know!
I think I may have gotten it to work.
I’ll wait till tomorrow to test properly
Thanks so much 
Go to your wordpress dashboard > settings > general and allow users to register – you’ll then see the registration link
i banged my head several times before i got the answer finally!!! and it is NOT i repeat not the re-install
(thats what i did TWICE!)
the problem is that the server doesnt support emails like gmail and hotmail for admins. my solution was
1-create a user on a your own domain , get the smtp details
2- get the plugin http://coffee2code.com/wp-plugins/configure-smtp/
3- install and setup
silly me i shouldve thought of it earlier , when this occurred 2 years back with my other blog http://www.aivault.com and the solution was the same… please dont uninstall!!.
i hope this will also help someone out there…
working fine now on ….. http://www.aifgraphics.com