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New topic button in forums redirects to homepage

  • I have put bbpress in the buddypress installation for
    However, when I am at the forum overview for a buddypress group, it shows a link to #new-topic but that automatically goes to instead of going down the page where the input fields are.

    I am going insane over this. Tried modifying /plugins/buddypress/bp-groups/bp-groups-templatetags.php where I have found a new-topic reference, but that didn’t change anything.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?


    WordPress 3.2.1
    Buddypress version 1.2.9 (don’t really want to upgrade this due to other custom modifications)

    Modified version of WPMUDEV’s Magazine theme

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  • @mercime


    Change to bp-default theme and check if issue is resolved.

    Yes it is resolved. So, there is something that is not right in the template I am using. However, the question now is, how do I get it to work?

    I have now tried to add the bp-template-pack from the site ( However, the download worked fine, the installation went fine, but upon activation both my admin and site went blank. Literally white pages instead of both. Any thoughts?



    You could install and activate – Theme Check Plugin and the Log Deprecated Notices Plugin.

    The first plugin will check if your theme is up to latest WP standards. Take note of “Warnings” and “Required” notices and make corrections as noted..

    The second plugin kicks in some minutes after you activate it. When you check it under Tools > Deprecated notices, it will let you know if there the deprecated template tag/s in your active theme and usually give you the replacement template tag/s.

    Installation didn’t work, but it has worked out after some rummaging around. I have at least found the link now and changed it.

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