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New user notification emails stopped?

  • dnicu26


    As far as I am aware, I only made one change to BuddyPress yesterday and that was creating a bp-custom.php file and adding:

    add_action( 'bp_complete_signup', 'buddydev_redirect_after_signup' );
    function buddydev_redirect_after_signup() {
        $page = 'thanks-for-joining';//your page slug
        bp_core_redirect( site_url( $page ) );

    So that it redirects users to a new page after signing up – this works beautifully.

    However, since then I have stopped receiving new user notification emails. This was something I was receiving by default when new users finished activating their accounts. Does anyone know why this has stopped or how to re-activate it? Failing that, is there a way to see how many new users there are each day?

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  • Paul Wong-Gibbs


    Hi @dnicu26

    I can’t immediately see why that should be stopping the emails. Can you remove the snippet and test again, see if the emails resume sending?

    Are you talking about the plain text email that you get from WordPress that says something like a “new user registered on your site”? I assume this has always worked in the past — how many such emails have you received? 10s? 100s?

    Can you also please check your spam folders in your email?

    Finally, are you using Multisite or regular WordPress?

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