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New Users Profile Problem

  • @trailmix5



    I just installed buddypress with an existing theme. I had to do a little css magic, but it’s looking and working pretty well. I have one strange problem and I’ve searched all over with no luck.

    I’m running a members site with Digital Access Pass and the DAP login automatically syncs with WP. This in turn syncs with buddypress and it auto logs on the user. When a user registers for my site through DAP they are also registered with WP and they are able to join BP groups and post in the forums…so it seems that buddy press is accepting these new users without a separate activation through BP. The problem is that if you click on the user’s profile it gets the “page not found” error. The permalinks are cool and the member’s profile is at which I believe is correct. To make it more complicated, the admin account actually works and the profile is visible and editable.

    When I searched for this topic I found many posts about multi-site issues, but I’m not on a multi-site installation. Also, In WP I have “anyone can register” checked and the default role is a subscriber.

    Am I doing something wrong here?

    I’m really enjoying what I’ve seen in BP and I hope to get it going soon…Thanks in advance for your help…

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  • @trailmix5


    One more thing I forgot to mention. Activity, Members and all the rest of the permalinks are all totally functional. I can see if a member posts, but if I click their name (to get to their profile) I get the “page not found” error. So it seems that I’m having a problem creating new pages for each new member…strange. Thanks again.



    Similar problem but created new post in case different.



    You could try visiting the Pemalinks settings page in the dashboard to do a soft flush and then going back and seeing if that makes a difference.



    Thanks Hugo but unfortunately the soft flush didn’t do the trick. I went to permalinks and saved it twice…that’s correct, right?

    After hours of research, I also tried to adding define( ‘BP_ENABLE_USERNAME_COMPATIBILITY_MODE’, true ); to my wpconfig file, but that didn’t work either.

    I’m totally confused here. It looks like everything is working except for the profile pages…any other ideas?




    I also cleared my brower cache and I have no cache plugins installed due to my member plugin. I then deactivated BP and BP template pack and reactivated them…still no luck.



    After activating BP Template Pack plugin, did you go to Appearance > BP Compatibility and go through the process? Did you check if 6 BP template folders were transferred to your existing theme’s folder in server? Site URL?




    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I went through the process and all 6 folders were transferred to my theme’s folder. And oddly enough, all links work when I’m using my admin account. I’m able to edit my profile, change the avatar, etc. I can even see all the members in the activity panel, but when I click on their profile’s, the page is not found. Basically, members seem to be added to BP because they are allowed to post in the groups and forums and everyone is visible by username. The problem is that no profile page (except for admin) works…totally strange.

    I’m testing BP on an active site (I know that this is not recommended), but I’m using digitalaccesspass and an integrated theme so it’s easier for me to troubleshoot with my plugs. So, there are no BP links setup in my menu at the time because I’m beta testing it out. If you go to,,, etc. you’ll see what I’m talking about.

    To make it more confusing, if I register a user with WP (bypassing DAP) it works even as a subscriber. So, there must be something going on when DAP syncs to WP. The thing is that it looks fine either way, so I’m not sure what I’m missing. When a user registers thorough DAP they’re automatically added to WP too and I can’t find a difference when comparing the 2. In both instances, the info looks identical. Am I missing something obvious here?




    The members with working profiles in the links above have all been added directly to WP instead of Dap to WP, but the WP info for all of them match the format exactly. It must be bypassing something in BP…dunno.



    @trailmix5 per online search, digitalaccesspass with BuddyPress



    Thanks @mercime, but unfortunately I’ve tried all of those things and have googled it numerous times. I’ve been at this for a couple days…ha. I have everything synching to WP in DAP, but one small thing is going wrong…I just can’t figure it out. Anyway, I appreciate your help. If anyone has any knowledge about this specific problem please let me know. Thanks for all of the replies!



    Does anyone have a wild idea I haven’t thought of? I’ve been back in forth between this forum and DAP support but I’m totally stumped. The only difference that I can see in the users I created in Dap synched to WP vs. the users I created in WP alone is that…

    The WP only users: BP displays their full name in the forums, but the profile page links to their user name. This is the working users config!

    The DAP users: BP displays their username in the forums and the profile is also their username. These users cannot access their profiles.

    When I campare the two in WordPress/Users, I cannot see any difference, so there must be something happening during registration, right? Is there any way to alter the way BP registers users or does anyone have a solution for this?

    Thanks for all of your help!



    I finally figured it out with the help of Ravi from Digital Access Pass. DAP is awesome by the way (in case you need a membership plugin).

    Anyway, BP was using the “display name” or “nice name” which was creating my problem. Now that I fixed this issue it’s working like a charm!



    @trailmix5 – I seem to be having the same issue. How did you fix the “display name” or “nice name” in BP?



    I decided to spend the time and look into this further. Here is a quick overview of the problem and then the solution:

    1). WP to BP User sync uses the ‘user_nicename’ from the users table to create the member in BP
    2). When creating a user in WP directly via WP (i.e. Not DAP) the user_nicename is set to the same value found in username
    3). When creating a user in WP via DAP, the user_nicename is set to “First Last” by default

    This explains the different behaviour, and gets everything out of whack from BP point of view.

    To fix the problem, you need to modify DAP-WP-LiveLinks.php and have DAP set the user_nicename to the value provided for the username. Just do the following:


    $userarray = $user->getFirst_name() . ” ” . $user->getLast_name();


    $userarray = $username;

    .. and that’s it.

    @aprilbeaver… Hope that helps.

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