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new version of BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts

  • @dwenaus


    Just a heads up that there is a new version of BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts. This version mainly adds admin options, so if you make customizations to the variables, future upgrades won’t erase them. I also added the karma points in the member view.

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  • @r-a-y



    I think it would make sense if there was a unified karma plugin. Forums are nice, but that’s only really one component of BP. I also know this means a lot more work on your part.

    I don’t know what you have planned for blog post karma, but I’m guessing at some point, you’d need the thumbs up/down voting block across all blogs on a WPMU install, so it’d have to be a plugin that is activated site-wide or a plugin that resides in /wp-content/mu-plugins/. Unless you think that users should activate the plugin on certain blogs only.

    Personally, I’d rather see activity karma than blog post karma, but that’s just me.



    @r-a-y, I agree, it should be site-wide, and a blog-by-blog way to activate it or deactivate it. It would be quite easy to integrate activity based karma, so that each post automatically gets 1 karma point, but you can still rate it up or down. But the issue now is funding.

    Personally I don’t need any of these cool features for my project, so It’s only going to happen if others add to the code or if funding is found for me to do it. So if anyone wants to make a large or small donation, conditional on enough people coming together, make your pledges now. you can pledge in the above linked post, or email me at



    Had been trying the plugin for a few days but now thumbs have suddenly disappeared!

    The number of rating in the forum index is however still present!

    Has anyone encountered this problem?



    I’ve not heard of this before. I’m guessing it might be css related, the thumbs are done via css.



    mmm might be in conflict with another plugin?



    @Dwenaus Thanks for this awesome plugin. Just one concern mate, it causes a JS error (the one that appears at the bottom left corner) on IE8. I made sure the script error comes from this plugin because whenever I deactivate or I am not on forum pages, the small yellow triangle disappears.

    Webpage error details

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; FDM)
    Timestamp: Tue, 11 May 2010 15:09:01 UTC
    Message: ‘length’ is null or not an object
    Line: 12
    Char: 7740
    Code: 0

    Can you please advise?




    @mazen, this bug is not only in IE 8. but i *thought* i fixed it with the most recent update. what version of the plugin are you running?



    @Dwenaus I am running version: 1.3.2, there is no plugin update alerts showing for it so I am assuming this one is the latest.



    @mazen I’ve finally gotten to the crux of the problem and fixed it in version 1.4. thanks for your patience. Also in version 1.4 due to a trac request approved in BP 1.2.4 I can now color/alter the posts in PHP rather than in javascript. So things will be much cleaner and there will no longer be any delay. Enjoy.

    ps. if anyone uses this on a production website, small donations ensure continued updates. without that support this plugin will eventually fall into the abyss of old plugins. so sad. ;)



    @Dwenaus Great plugin!
    Is there any possibility that a rank could be integrated into a persons Karma Score as well as the colour they get and also do we get an opportunity in the future to modify the colours ourselves?

    Also a blue thumbs up and a red thumbs down would be nice and make the rating system stand out much more on posts.

    I love the idea of this plugin though and when I get my Paypal account up and running when my site launches I’ll gladly donate to get these developments integrated!
    Thank you!



    @rossagrant you can modify the highlight color in the admin. you can override the thumbs up graphics via your own css in your theme. ranks are a good idea. cheers.




    Yeah, editable ranks would be superb. It gives members something to aim for!

    How can I change the highlight colour? I thought yellow was the only option?



    @rossagrant sorry my mistake, you can change the ranking levels int he admin. to change the color just override my css with your own. this is the css:
    `/* very positive */
    ul#topic-post-list li.rfp-superboost, .rfp-superboost { background: #FFFFCC; }

    /* positive */
    ul#topic-post-list li.rfp-boost, .rfp-boost { background: #FFFFEE; }
    if it doesn’t change automatically maybe put an !important:

    `ul#topic-post-list li.rfp-boost, .rfp-boost { background: #FFFFEE !important; }`



    @Dwenaus Great stuff, I’ll check it out! Let me know if you integrate custom rankings, that would be sweet!
    Ross :)



    Integrate with Cubepoints then you’re singin



    can anyone help?
    i have installed BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts but it did not work!!!
    i cant rate… if i press the button only dots are shown but nothing more.



    @0815t – what version of wordpress and buddy are you using? does the problem happen when other plugin are turned off. Are you logged in as admin or as another user?



    @dwenaus Hi,is there anyway to remove the forum rating column from the forum directory? It’s not that it’s not a great feature but on my site it isn’t appropriate. I have 2000 forum topics where the initial post is the same in each. No one will rate that initial post as it’s just info only so isn’t really appropriate for a rating.

    Also, where do I view people’s karma? I can’t see a tally anywhere on a member’s profile.

    Thank you



    @rossagrant – yes it is not to hard to remove, you should look at my code, find the hook that adds the forum post rating header and TR tag, and remove that action. I believe wordpress has information about removing actions. info on removing actions here:



    @dwenaus cheers, I’ll take a look at that.

    One thing I can no longer see in my forums is a user’s karma rating. Have you changed the layout for this? I can rate posts no problem, see a forum topics rating in the forum directory but I can’t see any karma points on any members profile or next to their names in a forum?

    Any ideas why? Could you upload a picture as to where it should be and how it looks in this latest version?
    Thanks so much.



    @rossagrant if you look in the screen shots of the plugin at the wordpress repository, you’ll see pictures. The karma points should show up right next the the users login name.
    It could be another plugin that is interfering, or perhaps you have some special database table names which are not being picked up properly. hmmm. if you can send me information about your install, I can try to help.




    Seems a bit strange.

    I get the options to rate forum posts no problem and the karma is given to the post. The rating shows up in the forums directory but just not next to the users name.
    I have disabled ALL plugins except BP and Rate Forum Posts and it still happens so it can’t be a plugin confliction.

    I have deleted and reinstalled Rate Forum Posts and that doesn’t help either.

    I am running BP and a single install of WP 2.9.2

    Can you test with those versions and see if you can replicate it?

    I’m not sure about the DB tables. I haven’t changed anything that I am aware of. If you could list the tables I am supposed to have then that would be great? Maybe I am missing some tables?

    Thank you so much.




    I have just changed the settings for Karma to ‘Total Karma Points for quiet sites – this shows the simple total of karma points. example: 110’ and the points now show up.

    I previously had it set to ‘Mixed Karma Points PLUS for normal sites – this is a higher value mix of total points and average points per post. example: 60’

    I’m not quite sure of the difference here to make the points value not show up.
    Could you shed some light on it?
    Thanks once again!



    @rossagrant – glad you were able to find the solution. maybe somehow the hide karma points was set. or maybe you had it set to the Average calculation, which shows nothing when it is close to 0 – on that setting you need to have a few positive posts before anything shows.

    Do people think I should ship the default with Total karma points or the Plus setting?



    @dwenaus I think total karma points should be the default setting.

    At the moment as my site is very quiet I don’t get any karma showing when I select one of the PLUS or average settings. That is what led me to believe something was wrong with the setup.

    It’s a really great plugin though! All I would do to enhance it is award rankings at certain levels. If an admin could set the rank names that would be great and maybe a ‘badge’ of some description could be displayed in a user’s profile for hitting a particular rank?

    Great work though!

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