New version of Forum Attachments for BuddyPress
I’ve finally gotten around to upgrading Forum Attachments for BuddyPress. It should now work pretty smoothly with BP 1.2, with a minimal amount of custom hooks in your theme files. Plus I’ve enabled some other goodies, like inline display of uploaded images.
Read more about the plugin here:
WP 2.9.2, BP
Installed and tested upload of a small JPEG… it just shows “failed” and a little x with the filename.
I tried for a little while to troubleshoot but I’m not sure what should happen if it’s working so I’m not sure where to look… i.e. I am not sure what I should be looking for. Database entry? File uploaded to certain place on my server?
Same for me , upload failure
Shoot, I forgot to add the instructions about creating the upload directory. Make a directory one level above your webroot and make sure it’s writeable.
er, the directory should be called bb-attachments
Edit: Uh, ok I’m stupid. Retract original question.
I created this folder and tried again. Now it shows the file as an attachment. But, clicking the attachment goes to a white page with:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function apache_request_headers() in / {web root} / {buddypress directory} /wp-content/plugins/forum-attachments-for-buddypress/download.php on line 47
I checked and the actual image was uploaded properly. It’s just viewing it that isn’t working. Wish it was inline too… oh well.
chembro – No, you need to go one level above your web root. Figure out the server path is installed by logging onto your FTP space (it’ll be something like /var/www/html or /home/public_html probably) and create a writeable directory one level above that (eg /var/www/bb-attachments or /home/bb-attachments)
Thanks boone…I figured that out as soon as I tried it. I’m a designer, what can I say.
Unrelated to that issue, I was wondering why there seem to be so many duplicates in the “allowed file types” – bmp (500 KB), doc (500 KB), gif (500 KB), gz (500 KB), jpeg (500 KB), jpg (500 KB), pdf (500 KB),
png (500 KB), txt (500 KB), xls (500 KB), zip (500 KB), gif (500 KB), jpeg (500 KB), jpg (500 KB), pdf (500 KB), png (500 KB), txt (500 KB), docx (500 KB), xlsx (500 KB), ppt (500 KB), pptx (500 KB)
Oh, I guess it’s because I was trying to throw the whole kitchen sink in there and I put in some duplicates
Have a look at allowed file types being set near the beginning of forum-attachments-for-buddypress-bp-functions.php to pare them down a bit. I will do this in a subsequent release.
Any idea what is causing the fatal error?
Fatal error: Call to undefined function apache_request_headers() in / {web root} / {buddypress directory} /wp-content/plugins/forum-attachments-for-buddypress/download.php on line 47
No, I’m not sure. It could be that you’re not running Apache – maybe your server is running nginx or something? I’ll look into it.
running a phpinfo says Apache/2.2.14 …
bluehost shared hosting…
New issue: I clicked the “x” to delete the uploaded file.
It did delete the file from the server (I checked) BUT after that it loaded a white page at:
{buddypress site} /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress/topic.php?id=7#post-34
instead of where I’m guessing it should have gone:
{buddypress site} /groups/ {groupname} /forum/topic/topic.php?id=7#post-34
Thanks for all your help, chembro.
I have fixed some of the apache errors in the trunk – working better now, I think. I will have a look at what’s going on with the deletion and redirect – both of those things are errors. Thanks again for help with the bugfixes
Edited above: I originally thought it was deleting both file and post but it was correctly just deleting the file. Still loading the wrong page after delete though.
Haha no problem. You rock for all this work. Thanks for the help.
I’ve installed it fine. But I’m getting a white page while trying to download a file. No error is show. It would be nice if provided a config page to change the file limits and files allowed
chembro – thanks again for your help. I just rolled version 0.2.1 into the repo (should show up shortly). It implements some of the header-related fixes, as well as the redirect after file deletion. Let me know if it’s working for you.
wicosta – I’ll work on the config page. As for the white page issue – it’s hard to troubleshoot when it’s just a white page. Does it happen with all file types? What form does the URL of the file take? (should be something like
Hey Boone – I noticed that there also seems to be a conflict between Forum Attachments and Rich’s Forum Extras.
My /groups/ page redirects to the home page. Individual group pages, forums, etc. function…just the main group directory page redirects.
No idea if it’s something he can/should fix, or you, or what. But thought I’d point it out. I don’t want to have to choose between the two plugins…but I think if I had to choose I’d go with Attachments once it’s working.
Boone – haha we were posting at the same time. I’ll see if there’s still a conflict after your latest version.
Hi Boon
I have installed the plugin twice now and both times when activated it prevents me from activating some of the pages from my nav window. FOr example if a click the activity tab/link I just get redirected to the front page.
Any ideas?
avi-m – what version of BP are you running? You using a custom theme, or bp-default?
hey avi-m – do you have Rich Fuller’s Forum Extras plugin activated as well? I have the same issue but I think it’s a conflict between the two plugins…
HI boone
I am using Modemlooper’s widgetized child theme and I have not upgraded to the latatet BP I’,m on 1.2.1
Hm, I wonder if the theme is the issue. Are you on a production site? Is it possible for you to switch to bp-default just for a second to see if the problem recurs there? If you find that it’s directly related to the theme, then I’ll be able to download it and troubleshoot from there.
It might also be a BP 1.2.1 issue, though I have a feeling it’s not. In any case – let me know if you’re able to try switching themes.
I just upgraded so let me see if that fixed things. Il report back in a few. Oh and yes its a live site.
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