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Newbie tutorial on integrating old WP theme with BuddyPress?

  • federalistnp


    I’ve been looking for solutions for a few days now and after a failed attempt, I am stuck and needing to start over. I managed to get the CSS swapped and BuddyPress to work with the old WordPress theme but the style is off and the forums pages are very misaligned and off the margins.

    Can anyone recommend a tutorial that explains exactly which files to edit and exactly what code is needed to work?

    Willing to do a reasonable hire as well.


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  • Xevo


    There are no tutorials about this and no one is working on one either, as far as I know. Changing a normal wordpress theme to a buddypress theme isn’t that hard, since after all wordpress is still the core, but you need a lot of extra template tags and styling in order for this to work properly.



    I am sorry to bother this board but if the process is easy, can someone explain the easy parts? Is it merely a matter of moving the bpress folders to the wp-content/theme folders?

    What is the easy process?

    Andrea Rennick


    I’m working on something.

    It’s a little more involved with just moving stuff over.

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