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No admin bar in blogs

  • @paulka


    Hi guys, i was a little confused when I couldn;t see my admin bar in my blog. I have enabled and disabled the “Show admin bar for logged out users:” with no difference. I think i may be missing a plugin but noit sure. your assitance is greatly appreciated :)



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  • @burtadsit


    You seem to have solved your problem. It’s showing now.



    No i think it has to do with certain blogs showing the code… My admin still has no bar.

    Any thoughts?



    The theme has to call wp_footer() for the bar to display. If you are running wpmu 2.7 trunk then you have to disable the mu admin bar if you want to see the bp admin bar. It’s one or the other.



    Thanks. I think the previous template didn’t have that. I think im using 2.6.5 as i still have the message “WordPress 2.7 is available! A new version of WordPress MU will be available soon.”

    If a user logs in via the mail link “” there is no bbpress admin bar, is this correct?

    How does one get to with out using the email link? As i understand the options pages from the bbpress bar only change the profile seen….



    There’s no admin bar in the login form no.

    I’m not sure what email link you are referring to. After signing up a user gets an email with an activation link and then a password and then logs in with a temp password to their blog.

    To get to the admin backend (dashboard) of any blog you use: or after logging in, the user has the option of using the menu bar’s ‘my blogs’ > ‘my new blog’ ><flyout menu> ‘dashboard’

    That’s also the admin area of the blog.

    There isn’t a ‘bbpress bar’ that I’m aware of. There’s a buddypress bar that has a ‘my account’ menu where you can visit your profile and other options.



    Yes sorry i mean the buddypress bar.

    If a user is editing a new blog entry, how can he jump to a friends page? Would he first have to click “visit site” then go to “my account > friends > my friends”?

    Still new just trying to get the whole plan in my head.



    What I usually do is have several browser tabs open at the same time. One where I’m working, perhaps editing a blog article and one for nav and tooling ’round.



    Yes so do i, plus a proxy so i can be logged into a test account to see effects i make in the admin. However the average user doesn’t always understand how to make the best use of their browsers :(

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