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No icon of avatars on mobile – admin bar

  • @nexusplays


    Hello, I’m using WordPress 4.9.1 and the theme is Divi.

    I am having a slight issue with having the icon on the corner for users, the admin (me) has the icon but other members cannot see it. I have included the code:

    #wp-toolbar > ul > li {display:block;}

    and I can now see notification numbers and the little icon of the site. This is visible in the screenshot, however, the user’s avatar/icon is not visible in the corner of the screen.

    Here is the screenshot:

    My website is:


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  • @boonebgorges


    It’s a bit hard to tell what’s going on without being able to log in and see exactly what your users are seeing.

    I suggest logging in as a non-admin, then right-clicking the space where the avatar should appear. Select ‘Inspect Element’, and then browse through the developer tools to see whether the avatar is actually in the source. If it is, but is hidden by CSS, you should be able to use the inspector to figure out which CSS is the culprit. If it’s not there at all, you could have some other sort of problem – like, perhaps, a failure to connect to Gravatar.

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