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No members on IIS

  • @mirakaiser


    I’m running WordPress 4.8 on IIS (version 10.0.15063.0), with theme twenty seventeen (version 1.3).

    I am quite new to BuddyPress (and very excited to get into it). I installed BuddyPress (version 2.8.2). A “Members”-page was created, but when viewing this page, it’s just an empty twenty-seventeen-page (it has the header, title, footer, but no members). I made sure permalinks were pretty.

    I tried the exact same steps on a live domain, and I had no problems: my username was mentioned as a member.

    Is this an IIS thing? I couldn’t find any mention that BuddyPress doesn’t work on IIS. Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated! I’ve been stuck for hours.

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  • @mirakaiser


    UPDATE: I ended up removing all of IIS, and am now using XAMPP, on which the BuddyPress member page shows up fine. I never figured out why it wouldn’t work on IIS.

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