== Even with my wordpress.org account I get the same error ==
You use the same username and password to log into WordPress.org and BuddyPress.org, among others. Since you were able to log in and post here, you should be able to log in and post in WordPress.org forums with same username and password.
If you still cannot do so, go to http://lists.automattic.com/mailman/listinfo/wp-forums
I can set up an account, now I have set up three http://2minprofile.com/members/
but no one else can. Has anyone else had this problem?
I don’t even see a place for new members to register on my site! What am I missing?
shootingpedia – Your problem isn’t related to the problem listed in this thread.
To enable registration, read this:
ok, so using 2011 theme a friend can sign up, but then can’t log in again
My friend said – “I registered on 2minprofile.
When trying to log in using same info a message
prompt shows up saying password does not match username,”
changed to 2011 theme, still no luck, now this page has disappeared http://2minprofile.com/members/
Another happy attempted sign in –
‘i registered again and gave username bestfoto and they send me email with PASSWORD!! so i enter this pass word ..again its does not work!”
@overlander – I see that you have wp-symposium installed. Please forward your queries to their forums http://www.wpsymposium.com/discuss/
Im ditching buddypress, 2 days of stuffing around in Kalimantan with shite internet is enough for me, what a headache!!
I will give wpsymposium a go.
Sure way to ruin a start up idea!!