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No “Save” Options for Setting Buddypress Pages!

  • ldesherl


    Here is my situation: I re-installed one of the WordPress default thees and then I re-added Buddypress and a number of its add-on plugins. Then I added bbPress as someone has advised I do. But no matter what I do, I cannot get my WordPress pages to be associated with Buddypress. I created the five needed pages. When I did, as I have tried to do the last couple of times I added this forum software, I get this notice and it remains on my dashboard:

    The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Members, Activity Streams, User Groups, Activate, Register. Repair

    I have tried to associate those pages with my WordPress pages (with identcalnames), but I do NOT have any options to save those settings!

    Thus, my Buddypress pages, as they have been the last two times I tried to set up Buddypress on my site, have no Buddypress content on them.

    Here is my website URL:

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