“Site wide notifications” show up as a side panel inside the Messages are on the default theme. Is that what you were referring to?
I mean the notifications that appear on the buddypress bar. When someone comments/replies to my status updates on activity I do not get a notification. However I do get notifications for private messages, friendship requests and mentions.
Hopefully that made it clearer to understand my problem.
I have never used that plugin that shows on that post. Everything is working great apart from that small thing, but that small thing is needed.
I can see there’s no way I can get this to work. I just created another installation of Buddypress 1.6 (fresh install) and still doesn’t work.
Hi there, I am having the same problem, probably this is a bug of BuddyPress?
I am also having this problem:
wp 3.5
buddypress 1.7
all fresh install.
I installed this plugin and now I am not having this problem anymore , just to let you know
BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier
12 years, 7 months ago
My site wide notifications for BuddyPress are not showing up to any user.
I have tried to disable plugins and what not and still does not work.
I have also tried deleting and re-installing Buddypress (version 1.6) as well.
I ran out of options here… Is there any solution? I couldn’t find anything on Google (only email notifications results, which is not a problem) and the BuddyPress.org search bar does not seem to be working…
My site details:
URL: http://social.kwiker.me
Wordpress version: 3.4
Buddypress version: 1.6
Hosting provider: GoDaddy.com
Update: The private messages and mentions notifications work, however comments and replies do not. Is there any way to fix this?